Chapter 16

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I know I promised to have this uploaded earlier and for it to be longer but I expected to be home earlier than I got home and haven't been near a comptuer since.

I will try to upload more.

I got my computer taken away and I just got it back.

Sooo I promise to upload more often. I already have a story idea for a new story.!!! 

I hope you'll all read it and continue to support me.! Comment, Vote, Fan? (:


TWO DAYS LATER (Still 29 Weeks)

"Hey Lukey." I smiled as Luke walked into the kitchen, setting his hands down on my waist from behind me.

"Trying to piss off Toby, are we?" He joked.

"Yes, actually." I laughed.

"Hey." Nate smirked as he walked into the kitchen staring at us.

"Hey Nate." I chirped.

"You seem to be in a good mood." He laughed.

"I sure am." I smiled as Toby walked through the front door.

I could hear Lola's girly shrieks which sent major chills up my spine, and not good chills, not thrilling, happy ones, bad ones. Chills that were like nails on a chalk board. It was safe to say that I wanted nothing to do with Lola, or Toby. Seeing them together really just made me sick to my stomach. I wanted Toby, and he wanted me right? Didn't we already establish that? He wanted me, I think.

"What you guys doing?" Lola smiled happily, Toby's hand in hers.

"Well, Luke and I have business to attend to." I smirked at Luke, telling him to play along.

As always Nate kept his mouth shut, he enjoyed watching our drama even though he knew that Toby and I wanted eachother. We made it very obvious. I wanted nothing more than to be with Toby so we could raise Mia together. But he didn't want that.

"Is that so?" Toby glared.

"Yes." I confirmed.

I decided that I didn't want to be near Toby anymore. I took Luke by the hand and lead him outside to the porch swing where we sat down and he swung us with his feet since I was barely tall enough to reach. I stared down at my stomach. Mia was getting big, forming fast and I was beyond scared to have her.

"Why don't you just tell that poor boy that you want him?" Luke smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't play stupid with me." He laughed.

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