Mama's Comfort - Ryan Gosling

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Ryan had been a really good boy during the week, which earned him the privilege of going to the park. His Mama had arranged a small playdate along with some fellow littles, so that's where Y/N and Ryan were right now.

Y/N was sitting on one of the benches along with Ana and Allison. Chris, Simu and Ryan were running around the playground, jumping, and shooting fake lasers from their finger guns. They had just shared a small lunch, and their Mamas had made them wait for a few minutes before they could go back to playing so they wouldn't get sick. Therefore, they were taking the most out of their playtime at the park. Their caregivers, on the other hand, were talking and occasionally looking back at their littles while they played.

As adults, the actors were all very fit and could handle pain in a manageable way, but while in their little headspace, the minimum amount of pain could hurt them immensely. In Ryan's case, you never knew how he would react. If he got hurt, sometimes he would start crying immediately, and other times, he would just keep on playing, and later on Y/N would find out he got hurt through Ryan telling her a cool story.

While Y/N kept chatting with her fellow caregivers, she caught Ryan climbing to the top of the playset at the park and walking closer to the edge. This made her instantly worried.

"Ryry, be careful! Get down the fire pole, don't jump! You can get hurt", Y/N yelled out to Ryan, who just looked at her before sliding down the pole and landing perfectly.

"I otay, Mama. I supa bwave", Ryan told Y/N before running up the playset again.

"Still, be careful!", Y/N yelled back again before giving him one last look and going back to her conversation.

"Does he get hurt a lot?", Ana inquired carefully.

"More than I would like. While he's big, he is pretty chill about it since he gets to take care of himself. Also, whenever he does get hurt, he's on set and is able to get immediate medical assistance. While he's little though, you never know how he's going to react, but one thing is for sure, it always ends up being very dramatic", Y/N commented back before looking towards the littles and seeing them attempting to Kungfu fight between each other.

"Simu, honey, don't do a helicopter kick close to your-", Allison started but before she could finish, Simu did the helicopter kick and hit Ryan straight in the stomach.

"Oh my god, Ryan!", Y/N exclaimed and stood up seeing Ryan stumble a couple of steps back while grabbing his stomach. She waited a few seconds to see how to proceed according to his reaction. "Buddy, are you ok?"

"Ryry, you 'kay?", Chris asked carefully, seeing as Ryan wasn't saying anything.

"I otay, Mama", Ryan replied with a thumb up before standing up straight and letting out a deep breath.

"I sowwy, Ryry. Me no mean to huwt yous", Simu apologized, feeling terrible about what happened.

"T'is otay, Sim. I fowgiv' yous", Ryan replied simply, and the two littles shared a hug.

"Otay, le's pway somefin' no so viowent. Le's pway tag", Chris proposed, and his little friends nodded their heads in agreement. "Tag, you r' it", Chris said before touching Simu on the shoulder and running away. Ryan quickly caught on and started running the opposite way.

"Oh my gosh, I have my heart up in my throat", Y/N commented while sitting back down on the bench.

"It's good they resolved everything between themselves. Look, it doesn't even look like something bad happened a few minutes ago", Ana said while pointing at the littles, who were now in an intense game of tag.

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