Pre-Award Show Jitters: Part 1 - Sebastian Stan

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It had been sometime since Y/N and Sebastian saw each other. Especially since Y/N used to be Sebastian's manager when he started his career, and not only that, but their professional relationship also became something more when Sebastian revealed he is a little. To Y/N, that meant the world because Sebastian tends to be really private, but to share that with her, and also allow her to be his caregiver, Y/N felt honored and absolutely happy.

But here's the thing. At some point during their professional relationship, both of them developed feelings for each other. Again, everything was very private, so no one really knew about Y/N and Sebastian dating, which obviously caused a lot of problems between them. Ultimately, Y/N decided to call it quits with Sebastian in everything that meant being or working with him to preserve somewhat the good times they spent together.

Y/N continued to manage many celebrities and Sebastian grew in his career. It was a surprise for Y/N to hear from Sebastian, and a much bigger surprise that he asked her to have a session. Y/N was a bit hesitant at first, but Sebastian practically begged her to go and see him.

Y/N got everything she would need for a session with Sebastian and made her way to his hotel room. She wasn't surprised at all about the meeting location since Sebastian is a celebrity, but she was really confused when she arrived at the hotel and there was zero security for him.

She was led by a bellboy to Sebastian's room and knocked a couple of times before the door swung open. "Momma!!!", Sebby yelled before jumping into Y/N's arms. Y/N got to hold him on time before they both fell to the ground. She was a bit stunned about him being so carefree with her, but at the same time, it felt like old times. Y/N hugged her baby back before closing the door with her foot and walking towards the bed.

"Hello, my sweet baby boy. Do you know why there is not any security outside?", Y/N asked a very regressed Sebastian, who was just playing with Y/N's necklace and wasn't really paying attention to his Momma. "Sebby boy, can you tell Momma why you are here alone?", Y/N tried once more to get any kind of information from Sebastian, who just nodded before crawling away from Y/N's lap to the small nightstand next to the bed and crawling back with a piece of paper.

"Sebawstian weft dis fo' yous", Sebby said after handing the piece of paper to his Momma. Y/N opened it carefully before reading its content.


Hi Y/N,

As I told you in my texts, this session was really an emergency because I haven't regressed in such a long time. I don't even know if I'll be big by the time you arrive, that's why I'm writing this letter. Lately, it has been really difficult to let myself go and be in littlespace, with all of the events and interviews, my anxiety has rocketed, and I haven't had time to regress. I hope you coming could really help me stabilize, at least for the day. Thank you again for your help, I know this can be a bit awkward but, I really appreciate you coming.


P.S.: There is no security because I wasn't supposed to arrive in LA until tomorrow for the Golden Globes, so nobody knows I'm here. I really needed to have a free day away from the stardom, and what better way to do it than spend it with my Momma, right?

Y/N smiled at the piece of paper before looking back at her baby, who was still playing with her necklace. "So, you can't live without me, huh?", Y/N said out loud, more to herself than to anyone, while stroking Seb's long hair. "I guess is just us today then. How about we change you into some play clothes so we can start our day?", Y/N asked her baby while shaking him a bit, and he giggled before bouncing of joy again.

Y/N stood up and laid Sebastian on the bed before reaching for his diaper bag. "Ok baby boy, do you want to use a diaper or a pull-up?", Y/N asked her baby who thought about his answer before answering.

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