Gerald Makes It All Better - Samantha Pauly

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Mention of Medical Procedure⚠️

Sam and Y/N met during the Tony Awards after party. Both of them are promising Broadway stars, Sam being the outstanding and empowered queen Katherine Howard on the 'Six on Broadway' production, while Y/N is one of the many backup dancers on 'MJ the Musical'.

Through their love for theatre, Y/N and Sam were able to develop a very strong connection between them, ultimately causing them to get together as a couple. And as they continued to grow their love for each other, Sam had the enough trust to reveal to Y/N that she is a little. At first, Sam was scared to death about Y/N's reaction after her extremely personal revelation, but to Sam's surprise, Y/N was really acceptive of the fact, and she even gifted Sam one of her first comfort items, Gerald the Giraffe.

 At first, Sam was scared to death about Y/N's reaction after her extremely personal revelation, but to Sam's surprise, Y/N was really acceptive of the fact, and she even gifted Sam one of her first comfort items, Gerald the Giraffe

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This little plushie goes with Sam everywhere. It helps her calm down whenever she feels overwhelmed about performing on continuous shows throughout the day or the week, and it also helps her fall asleep faster the days Y/N is giving a show herself and can't tuck in Sam before her bedtime.

Today, like any other day, Y/N and Sam had breakfast together before biding their goodbyes as both of them had early rehearsals for their respective shows. They weren't supposed to see each other until the next morning, so Y/N made sure to pack a bag with all of Sam's little supplies just in case she slipped, and also asked Andrea and Britt, Sam's best friends and occasional babysitters, to keep an eye on Sam during this very complicated day apart.

Everything had been going overall fine, until Sam started having this gut feeling that wouldn't let her concentrate while delivering the choreography for the other queens' songs, and certainly didn't allow her to sing and perform her own.

"Hey Sammy, is everything alright?", Abby asked Sam before engulfing her on a soft side hug. Sam easily snuggled close to her friend, needing the extra comfort as she felt uneasy, and Gerald was back on her dressing room.

"Yeah, Abby, I'm okay. I just have this feeling in my heart that something isn't right", Sam shared with her friend as Abby hummed in understanding.

"Is there something in particular that is worrying you?", Abby asked carefully, trying to help her friend in any way she could, but also trying to not get her nervous and possibly slip.

"No, everything is fine. Today has been great. I guess...I'm missing Y/N more than ever, and that's why by being away from her, I'm growing...anxious? Maybe...I don't know, don't pay attention to me. I shouldn't be dwelling on this. I need to concentrate on my job, and stop being so needy", Sam quickly dismissed her feelings before trying to get back to work, but after her words, Abby wasn't going to let Sam discredit her feelings or push them away like they aren't important.

"Woah, woah, slow down. You're not doing anything until you listen to me, okay?", Abby said while she held Sam from her shoulders.

Abby spoke with a firm voice, just like the one of a caregiver, which Sam was used to hearing whenever she had gotten into mischief and Y/N would sit her down on the time out stool to have a serious talk. So, at Abby's words, Sam sighed defeated and nodded in understanding before her friend spoke again.

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