You don't think it's weird? - Catherine Zeta-Jones

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Y/N was finishing cleaning up her living room before the doorbell from her apartment rang. She ran to open the door and met with Michael and Catherine.

"Hey guys, come on in", Y/N said before moving to the side and letting the couple in. They carefully made their way to the living room and sat down on the couch. "So, you ready to have a fun day, Zeze?", Y/N asked Catherine who gave back a shy nod.

"She has been waiting all week to come", Michael told Y/N, making Catherine blush deeply.

"Papa...", Catherine whined silently thanks to her Papa embarrassing her. The two caregivers just chuckled at her embarrassed little self before Michael stood up and gave Y/N Catherine's diaper bag.

"Here's everything you'll need. Clothes, pacifiers, bottles, changing supplies, toys, her favorite stuffie and her blankie as well. I think that's everything", Michael explained to Y/N making her nod. "Goodbye, Princess. Papa loves you. You be good for Y/N. I'll pick you up on Monday, ok?", Michael told Catherine before leaving a kiss on her head and walking towards the door. Y/N followed behind and said goodbye to Michael. "If something happens, you give me a call. I'll come as soon as I can"

"Don't worry. We're going to be ok. She'll have lots of fun. I'll send you updates about everything, you just focus on your work", Y/N reassured Michael before they shared a small hug and waved goodbye. Y/N closed the door behind her and walked back to Catherine. "So baby girl, why don't we put some comfy clothes on you before we start playing, huh?", Y/N suggested and Catherine gave a small nod back before Y/N picked her up as well as her diaper bag and walked them towards one of the rooms.

Y/N laid Catherine down on the bed and got out from the diaper bag a fresh diaper, a onesie, some wipes as well as baby powder. "Alright baby, arms up", Y/N asked softly to Catherine, and she did just that. Y/N helped her strip completely before putting the diaper on her. Then, Y/N dressed her on a yellow onesie along with a pair of white socks. She also added a sunflower themed pacifier as well as a clip. "Look who I found!", Y/N told Catherine before taking out of the bag a dog plush.

 "Look who I found!", Y/N told Catherine before taking out of the bag a dog plush

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"Bawley!", Catherine babbled before doing grabby hands towards the plush toy.

"Barley? Is that his name?", Y/N inquired, and Catherine gave back a small nod while playing with the stuffie's ears. "That's a beautiful name. Now, what do you think about me taking you and Barley to the bathroom so I can do your hair? Would you like that, sweetheart?", Y/N proposed excited.

"Yeah!", Catherine replied cutely before Y/N picked her up along with Barley and walked them to the bathroom. She sat her on the counter facing the mirror.

"Ok baby, what would you like on your hair? Would you like piggies, or bunnies? Or maybe do you want it in a ponytail or leave it straight like it is?", Y/N asked the baby, and she hummed in thought before answering.

"Me wan' two smol piggies on da fwont, bu' da west of ma haiw stwai't", Catherine explained to Y/N as if she was talking to a hairdresser. Y/N nodded in understanding while Catherine explained cutely what she wanted.

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