A Bear Full of Cuddles - Chris Evans

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Anxiety Attack⚠️

Y/N was sitting at the picnic table in the backyard of her house, looking over at her littles playing and enjoying the afternoon's warm weather. This particular day, Y/N was looking after three of her babies.

First you have Pedro, who had recently started being looked after Y/N. His little age range goes between 2 and 5 years old. He mostly stays around the 3 and 4 years old, enjoys dressing up, making out costumes out of cardboard boxes and stuff from around the house, watching movies and, in difference of many littles, he really loves napping.

Then you have Evangeline, or Evie, as Y/N calls her. She is a very sweet and loving baby. Sometimes, she can be really shy, other times, she's the life of the party. Evie loves reading and telling or hearing stories. She's not a big fan of diaper changes, but still will go through them to get back to playing as soon as possible. Her little age stays between 1 and 3 years old, that's why she likes to chew on everything she finds interesting. This can become a challenge for Y/N sometimes, always trying to make sure Evie doesn't put anything toxic or dangerous in her mouth. That's why her favorite toy remote control has became both Y/N and Evie's ally during the regression sessions.

Finally, you have Chris. He is the most fun and adorable little boy in the world. He's always making sure to share with others and to play with everyone in the group. Getting him dressed is his biggest nightmare, as he loves staying in just his diaper and running wild like the wind.

Now, when Chris started regressing, it took him a long time to feel comfortable and at peace while acting like a toddler or a baby. His little age is all over the place, varying from a 6 year old to a 6 month old baby. The stress and commotion of his personal and professional life have caused for him to regress into a really small age lately, making him the youngest baby of the house. Things like not being able to talk or communicate clearly with his Mama or crying inconsolably out of frustration for not being able to do things on his own, have sparked two new traits in Chris's little self, separation anxiety and regular anxiety attacks.

As a professional caregiver, Y/N always makes sure her little clients feel comfortable with having sessions along with other littles. For this particular playdate, Y/N had asked Chris if he felt comfortable with having other littles around him and his Mama, as he tends to get clingy and a bit jealous whenever he and his Mama hangout with fellow members of the caregiver/little community. At first, Chris agreed to the playdate, wanting to have some little friends to play with, as well as prove to his Mama he could be a brave big boy and not worry her with his anxiety.

Once his two little siblings arrived at the house, Pedro and Chris hit it off instantly, which caused for Evangeline to regress into a smaller headspace, taking most of Y/N's time and attention. Her other two babies seemed unamused by their Mama paying more attention to their sister, which helped Y/N feel rather hopeful about this playdate. As it turns out, her wishes didn't exactly become true.

Pedro and Chris were just playing with each other, having the most exhilarating and passionate medieval battle, hitting each other's wooden swords, and strutting around the backyard with their wooden horses, as Evie was just playing in the sand box, making all types of structures and shapes. Y/N was contently cheering her baby girl on while keeping an eye on the boys of course. That's when Evie started whining, making Y/N put all of her attention on her.

"What's wrong, baby?", Y/N asked softly as she picked up Evie and shook the sand off her legs and bum. That was the moment when she realized the cause of her baby's distress. "Aw, did you go potty, baby? Does my Little Flower need a change?", Y/N cooed at the baby in her arms as she just whined again, embarrassed by her Mama's words. "Aw baby, it's alright. Mama will make it all better in just a minute", Y/N announced before looking back at her boys. "Boys!", Y/N called out to her babies as they continued to play with each other. "I'm gonna go inside to get your sissy sorted. I'll be back in 5 minutes. Will you be okay here?"

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