"Alright, what are we doing for bedtime?", Y/N inquired while rubbing her hands together, walking towards Evie's bed. She made sure Evie was tucked in, with Winnie under her arm and her blankie next to her.
"'tory", Evangeline said cutely from under the covers.
"No singing tonight?", Y/N asked, and the baby shook her head no. "What book would you like me to read then?", Y/N asked again while walking towards the small bookshelf on the side of the room with all of Evangeline's favorite children's books.
"Mama tell 'tory", Evangeline said, making Y/N stop her actions.
"You want Mama to tell you a story?", Y/N asked confused, and Evie nodded cutely. "Okay, let me think...", Y/N said and grabbed a small stool to sit near the bed. Y/N hummed in thought until she looked at her baby, who was patiently waiting to hear a new bedtime story. That's when Y/N got a glimpse of her baby's favorite stuffie, and soon a story started brewing on her mind.
"Once upon a time, there was a dolphin, a pink dolphin named Winnie and she could fly in the clouds. She loved to fly in the clouds because she could see all of her friends from up there. Winnie had many friends like Cubby the Lion, Jack Giggles the Monkey, Lykos the Wolf, Mr. Cuddlesworth the Bear, Waddles the Penguin and Ellie the Elephant. All of Winnie's friends were land animals. The only animal that they knew could fly was Winnie, but they also knew dolphins are marine animals. Every time Winnie would see her friends, they would ask her: 'Why don't you swim, Winnie? You are a dolphin, you're supposed to swim'", Y/N started the story and did some funny voices, making her baby giggle cutely.
"Then, Winnie told them: 'I love flying. I know I'm a dolphin, but I could never leave the clouds'. Winnie's friends didn't push the 'swimming in the ocean' topic, but that got Winnie thinking. All her friends lived in their natural habits. Cubby and Jack lived in the jungle, Lykos and Mr. Cuddlesworth lived in the forest, Waddles lived in Antarctica in the snow, and Ellie lived in the Savannah. Winnie started to question everything she knew, and her heart started to get sad"
"Oh nuuu! No get sad, Winnie", Evie said while giving her stuffie a big cuddle.
"One day, Winnie met Drake the Dragon. Drake asked Winnie: 'Why are you so sad, pretty dolphin?'. Winnie told him: 'All of my friends live in their natural habitats. They are happy and know where they belong. I'm a flying dolphin, the only one there is. They keep telling me I'm supposed to live in the water, but I love living in the sky, especially the clouds. They are great beds, and I can see rainbows every day'. Then Drake told her: 'But Winnie, you don't have to leave the sky or the clouds. Even though you are a marine animal, it doesn't mean you need to leave the clouds forever. Look at me, I can fly, but I sleep in the mountains, and when I go visit my friends, I stay with them. And not all of them live in the sky or the mountains'". At this point, Evangeline's eyes started to droop and the tugging on her pacifier was slowing down.
Y/N continued. "Winnie thought for a few seconds before asking quietly: 'So, I can be a flying dolphin and a swimming dolphin?'. Drake responded, 'You can be whatever you want Winnie'. With that, Winnie's heart felt peace and was full of happiness again, knowing she could be a flying dolphin and a swimming dolphin, as well as anything else she wanted to be. She told her friends about what she talked with Drake. She even introduced him to her friends. Thanks to Drake's help, all of Winnie's friends started to do things they really liked. For example, Mr. Cuddlesworth became a therapist, helping those around him express their feelings. Waddles became a dancer and started a dance group along his friend Mumble. Ellie and Jack became firefighters, with Jack climbing to the highest trees and helping the animals in danger, and Ellie putting out the fires by spraying water through her trunk. Cubby became a model, posing for all the art pieces that will eventually be hanged above many people's beds. Lykos became a lumberjack, and with all the wood he would cut up, he built houses for his friends to stay in whenever they visited him. Drake and Winnie would fly together all the time, as well as go swimming around the world. All of them were very happy with their lives full of new experiences, and it was all thanks to believing they could do whatever their hearts desired and by putting all their efforts into making it happened. And that's how they got their happily ever after. The End", Y/N finished, and her baby girl was already snoring softly next to her.
She chuckled to herself before standing up, carefully placing the stool back in its' place and going back to her baby, to give her a goodnight's kiss on her forehead. "Sweet dreams, my Little Flower". When Y/N was walking towards the door, a small voice made her stop in her tracks.
"Mama...", Evie mumbled sleepily from behind her paci, and Y/N immediately walked back to her.
"What's up, baby? I thought you were asleep already", Y/N told her baby while stroking her short, blonde hair.
"Cans I be Mama's baby foweva?", Evie said quietly, her eyes fluttering open a couple of times.
"If that's what you want, it's fine by me, baby. I'll always be your Mama, and I'll be more than glad to take care of you, sing and read with you, and tell you stories, just like tonight. I'll always be here for you", Y/N whispered to her baby, who just nodded before cuddling further into her pillow.
"Otay, I wike dat. T'ank yous Mama, I wove yous", Evie mumbled back before drifting off to sleep completely.
"You're very welcome, my sweet girl. I love you too, more than you could ever understand", Y/N said and kissed her baby's head once again, before turning on the night light next to Evie's bed and finally walking out to let her sleep. Bedtimes were usually like that, but this time in particular, Y/N went to bed with a big smile on her face and feeling happier than ever knowing her baby girl wanted to be her baby forever.
Word Count: 1090 words
Hello beautiful people 😊 How did you like this one shot? There are a lot of references from my other one shots, so I hope everyone caught them. It helped me make the story extra adorable. Anyway, thank you for reading and voting. I appreciate your support. I'll see you guys next time.
- Rex

Actors Age Regression One-Shots
General FictionAge Regression Stories SFW & Non-Sexual Age Regression ⚠️Warning: Major fluff, Use of diapers, pacifiers and bottles, Breastfeeding, Bed Wetting, Angst, Anxiety⚠️ Mama Y/N and Little Actor/Actress Multiple one-shots with stories about actors and act...