No Show Blues - Aaron Tveit

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Y/N was working on her laptop over the dining room's table when Aaron entered the room, looking as sulky as he had been all the days prior. Y/N observed Aaron in silence as he waddled tiredly around the area while dragging the blanket draped over his shoulders. There was clearly no intent from Aaron to change his current state, and Y/N was starting to get worried for him.

"Hey there, Teevs. You finally woke up. Is there anything you would like to do today? Maybe I can make you a delicious breakfast to start your day off on a good note", Y/N greeted her baby before suggesting softly an activity to help lift Aaron's spirits. Instead of saying anything, Aaron just continued to walk around the table and Y/N before wrapping the blanket around him better and sitting over his Mama's lap, immediately snuggling over Y/N's chest. "Aw buddy, it breaks my heart seeing you like this. What can I do to cheer you up?", Y/N asked carefully as she hugged her baby close and caressed his face to show him her genuine concern.

"I no knows, Mama. I just...sad", Aaron replied shortly before sighing defeated and making a little pout. Y/N sighed along with Aaron as she too felt sad for her baby boy and didn't know how to make this situation better.

It had been a while since Aaron got an offer to participate on a play. He had plenty of auditions, but he hadn't heard back from any of them. This really took a toll on Aaron, and nothing besides getting a call from his agent saying he got a role, any role at all, would make him happy again. Y/N started to wish for the exact same thing and kept thinking on how to entertain her baby to hopefully cheer him up.

Y/N took Aaron out of the house to do all kinds of fun stuff. They went to the zoo, to an arcade, to the movies and to the beach. No matter how many things they did to keep Aaron busy and his mind focused on something else besides his lack of an adult job, nothing worked. Once they were back home, Aaron was back to his sad self, causing him to regress and stay little for days.

"Aw sweetie, I know not being on a play on Broadway is very sad, but that doesn't mean you can't participate on other kinds of plays", Y/N reasoned with Aaron as he suddenly moved back from his cuddling position to look back at his Mama confused.

"Wha' you mean, Mama?", Aaron asked curious at what his Mama was suggesting.

"Well, I've been thinking. Whether you're big or little, that amazing brain of yours always comes up with the craziest of ideas. All those bedtime stories you've told me and the many fantasy games we play are a clear proof of the immense talent you have. So, maybe, I don't know, you can create your own play. You can use all your toys and plushie friends and set up your theater in the music room. If you want me as part of the cast, I would be honored to help you, but if you want to work alone, I'll be more than happy to be your #1 fan in the audience", Y/N told her baby as he hummed in thought after her proposal. It wasn't a bad idea, it was actually very clever, and it got Aaron already brainstorming about the show he could organize to show his Mama.

"Yeah, I tan do dat. I go get Ralf fow da pway. Bu' no peakin' Mama", Aaron accepted to go ahead with his Mama's proposition before warning Y/N to stay away from his work zone. Y/N chuckled at her baby's seriousness but smiled anyway since her baby was finally getting out of his sulky state.

"Well then, go plan everything. If you need help, just call my name, okay? Mama will stay here and work", Y/N told Aaron, and with that, her baby scrambled off from her lap before waddling full force out of the dining room to retrieve everything he would need for his play. "Just be careful, Teevs. No running or climbing furniture!"

"Otay, Mama!", Aaron yelled back from somewhere in the house, which caused for Y/N to chuckle once more at her baby's antics before she went back to her work.

The next couple of hours, Aaron came up with a complete production in the music room, with blankets as curtains, all his plushies as actors and behind-the-scenes' crew, and of course, a speaker and his tablet ready to assist with the musical background.

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