Pre-Award Show Jitters: Part 2 - Sebastian Stan

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The next morning, Y/N woke up to the bright rays of sunshine passing through the curtains. She looked down and saw her baby boy, peacefully tugging on his pacifier, with his Cubby under his arm, softly snoring against her chest. She ran her fingers through his long hair, causing him to smile at the delicate touch.

 She ran her fingers through his long hair, causing him to smile at the delicate touch

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Y/N looked over her baby and saw the time was 7 AM. As Sebastian's old manager, Y/N knew how an award day works. The glam teams arrive very early in the day to show the star the different outfit options as well as getting them ready and on time for the event. And, since nobody can know about Y/N's relationship with Sebastian, she knew she had to leave as early as possible.

With a heavy heart, Y/N peeled herself off from Seb and went into the bathroom to get ready and leave. When she finished, she walked back to the room and while she was packing the last little stuff she had brought for Seb, a soft voice called out for her. "Good morning", Sebastian said, still laying on the bed.

Y/N walked closer to him and helped him sit up on the bed before combing his hair back and leaving a small kiss on his forehead

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Y/N walked closer to him and helped him sit up on the bed before combing his hair back and leaving a small kiss on his forehead. "Good morning, Seb", Y/N said and both her and Seb smiled brightly.

"You're leaving already?", he asked a bit sad about Y/N leaving so soon. He wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and pulled her in between his legs.

"You know I can't stay. I know how all this works. I come, take care of you, and once you're big again, I have to leave", Y/N replied back, a bit sad herself.

"But I don't want you to go. I want you here with me", Seb told Y/N before hugging her close. Y/N hesitated to hug him back at first since they aren't anything, and catching feelings again would make her life tricky. But she just couldn't pull away. She craved the physical contact. She wanted the feeling of peace and happiness to stay forever. Y/N left a few kisses on Sebastian's head before speaking up.

"I want to stay with you too, but I shouldn't", Y/N explained to Seb who pulled away to see her face.

"Y/N, I want you to stay. Even better, why don't you come to the award ceremony as my plus one?", Sebastian suggested excited, and Y/N just chuckled. Then, she looked back at him and saw he was serious.

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