More than Morning Sniffles: Part 2 - Brie Larson

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Three hours and a couple of leg cramps from Y/N later, Brie woke up. Her sleepy eyes slowly opened and once she saw her Mama, a small smile was born behind her paci. "Hello, baby girl. How was your nap?"


"I'm glad to hear that", Y/N said as Brie wiggled under her Mama's embrace. Then, she started shivering and her teeth were clicking together.

"Cowd, Mama", Brie said in between shivers.

"You're cold? That's weird", Y/N moved to the side to grab the thermometer from the nightstand. "Let's take your temperature again". She placed the device on the baby's ear and soon enough the thermometer showed 97.6 F°. "Looks like you don't have a fever anymore"

"Achu!", Brie sneezed, making her paci fall out of her mouth.

"Bless you, baby girl"

"Mama, I'm 'till 'neezing", Brie whined to her Mama. Y/N wanted to cheer her baby girl up so she thought of a few things she could do.

"Look baby, Ellie is still sneezing too", Y/N pointed to the stuffie, grabbing the elephant's trunk slightly and pretending to sneeze for her again.


"Oh no, her sneeze got stuck in her nose", Y/N said making her baby let out a small giggle.

"Ah...ah...ah...chuuuuuu!!! Achu, achu achu...chu...chu...chuuuuuuu!!!", Y/N pretended again making Brie fall into a fit of giggles. Y/N had a big smile on her face hearing her baby's giggles. She joined her in the laughter. A few seconds later, they both calmed down and Y/N left a big kiss on her baby's cheek.

"There's my happy baby girl. What do you want to do now, baby? Are you hungry?"

"No Mama. I jus' thwisty"

"Alright, I'm going to get you some Gatorade, but you do have to eat something. Maybe some fruit? What would you like?"

"I wan' a wed gatowade an' 'nanas an' pear an' can I...can I has uh...ceweal?", Brie said, listing the things she wanted with her fingers. Y/N chuckled at her baby's antics and the drastic mood change from earlier to now.

"Alright baby, I can get you the Gatorade and fruit. What kind of cereal do you want? Cheerios or Cinnamon Toast Crunch?"

"Cheewios pwease"

"Got it. You want to come with me, or do you want to wait here and watch a movie?"

"Can I wa'ch Muwan?"

"Yes baby, I'll put the movie for you", Y/N said before turning on the TV and playing the movie. She placed Brie against the headboard and placed her blankie over her legs so she could be nice and cozy. With one last smile, Y/N went to the kitchen to prepare her baby's lunch as well as hers.

Y/N got back to the room with the food and sat next to her baby to watch the movie together. Much to Brie's dismay, Y/N gave her another dose of medicine once her stomach was full before they went back to seeing the warrior princess save China. Right at the end of the movie, Y/N's phone rang, and she picked it up worried, seeing her sister's contact name appear on the screen.

*Start of Phone Call 📞

Y/N: Micky? What's up?

M: I'm sorry to bother you sis, it's just that we just received two little league teams with kids and parents, and Kelly and Max are at the hospital because Kelly just went into labor. We need help.

Y/N: Oh my god, did they make it to the hospital okay?!

M: Yeah, they did. Their relatives are there with them, but I really need your help here. Is there any chance you could come during the next hour? Maybe someone can watch Brie? Or you can bring her here with a mask?

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