"Stefania, vieni qui per favore" (Stefania, come here please)
"Ciao Mamma. Mi hai chiamato?" (Hi Mamma. 'ou call'd me?)
"Sì, Stellina mia. Voglio sapere perché i tuoi giocattoli sono tutti sparsi per il pavimento del soggiorno?" (Yes, my little star. I want to know why your toys are spread all over the living room floor?)
"Stavo cercando Luna, non la trovo da nessuna parte" (I was wookin' fo' Wuna, I no find her anywher')
Y/N looked to the ceiling to find the inner peace she needed at that precise moment, before saying or doing something that could upset her baby girl.
"Stefania, come here", Y/N told her baby girl before they both sat on the living room's couch. Y/N sat Stefania on her lap before brushing a few strands of hair away from her face and caressing her cheek sweetly. "Principessa, how many times have I told you that when you can't find something, you have to come and tell Mamma?", Y/N scolded the baby in her arms. Stefania just started fiddling with her fingers.
"A wot", Stefania mumbled. "Bu' 'ou wer' beesy an' me no wan' to boder Mamma. I big gurl", Stefania explained to her Mamma who just let out a deep sigh.
"Baby, I've told you many times to come to me and ask for help whenever you need it, even if Mamma is busy. Because you...", Y/N said before bopping Stefania's nose softly. "...are the most important thing to me. And when there's more people working on a task, we finish it faster and we avoid unnecessary boo boos or punishments", Y/N explained further to Stefania, who just nodded slowly. "Now, where else did you search for Luna?"
"My woom an' Mamma's woom", Stefania said, avoiding making eye contact with her Mamma.
"So, the mess in the living room is also upstairs?", Y/N asked and Stefania nodded once again. "Well bambina, you know what this means. You're going to clean the messes you made and after, you are going to time out", Y/N informed Stefania and tears started to spill from her eyes.
"No Mamma, pwease no tim' out. I cwean mess, no tim' out", Stefania begged her Mamma but Y/N just shook her head before standing up, with Stefania in her arms, and placing her on the floor.
"I'm sorry Stefania, but you know the rules. Now, you're going to put the toys back on the bins and then, we'll go upstairs to clean the messes over there", Y/N told Stefania sternly, while she continued to cry.
"Bu' wha' 'bout Wuna?", Stefania asked heartbroken.
"We'll search for her after you put away your toys and you do your time out", Y/N told her baby once again, but she cried louder.
"Nuuu! We find her now! I needs her", Stefania cried out but Y/N was firm in her decision.
"Stefania, do you want more time out?"
"Nuh uh"
"Then, you'll do what Mamma asked you. The faster you clean up and do your time out, the faster we go search for Luna. Now, go on. Start picking up your toys", Y/N said before leaving a small kiss on Stefania's head and then walking out of the living room.
Stefania, with still a few tears falling from her eyes, sniffles, hiccups and huffs, slowly but surely put her toys back on the bins from the living room and, with help from her Mamma, did the same on her nursery/room and on her Mamma's room.
Once they were done, Y/N took Stefania back to the living room where time out usually takes place. "Alright bambina, you're staying for 10 minutes in time out. When your time is done, I'll come get you, ok?", Y/N told Stefania who just nodded while sniffling a bit. "Here, you can have your paci", Y/N said, moving the soother closer to her baby girl's mouth, who gladly accepted it and immediately started tugging on it.

Actors Age Regression One-Shots
General FictionAge Regression Stories SFW & Non-Sexual Age Regression ⚠️Warning: Major fluff, Use of diapers, pacifiers and bottles, Breastfeeding, Bed Wetting, Angst, Anxiety⚠️ Mama Y/N and Little Actor/Actress Multiple one-shots with stories about actors and act...