Outfit Mishap: Part 2 - Chris Evans

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After arriving at home and leaving Chris sleeping soundly on his spaceship bed, Y/N went back to the living room and grabbed her laptop to catch up on some work. A couple of hours later, Y/N was responding to a couple of emails, when the presence of someone else near her, made her change her focus. "Hi baby, did you have a good nap?", Y/N asked her baby softly while he rubbed the sleep off his eyes with one hand, and held Mr. Cuddlesworth with the other one.

"Yeah Mama, nap gud", Chris said quietly while nodding his head. Y/N had gone back to answering her emails due to Chris not commenting anything further. She didn't think much of it since they weren't in very good terms after his outburst from earlier, but what was going on inside Chris's head, was quite conflicting.

Chris wanted to apologize to his Mama for telling her all of those awful things, for saying he hated her, but he didn't know how to, so he just started to cry inconsolably. That alerted Y/N once more and when she looked back at her baby, all the apprehensive feelings that were tormenting her as well left her body, and her natural maternal instincts kicked in.

"What's wrong, Ducky?", Y/N asked worried, and with that, Chris just let all of the sadness and frustration out. "Come here", Y/N said before moving her laptop off of her lap and opening her arms for her baby to get engulfed in.

Chris ran to his Mama and let himself be held by her. He continued to cry his eyes out, but his Mama was there to console him, holding him tight and whispering sweet nothings to his ear.

"Everything is ok Ducky, Mama's here. Please calm down. There's no need for tears, you're safe and Mama is here to help you with whatever you need", Y/N kept telling Chris over and over again until his cries became sniffles.

Y/N moved Chris back a little, which caused for him to let out a small whine, but she quickly stroked his hair and left a small kiss on his cheek before speaking up. "Now that you're calmer, can you tell Mama what's going on? Why are you crying, Ducky? Did you have a nightmare?", Y/N asked the baby boy straddling her lap and he quickly shook his head no.

"No Mama, me wan'ed to say sowwy fo' sayin' I hate yous. Me no mean dat. Bu' me no 'now how to tell yous", Chris managed to say before tears started to spill again from his eyes.

"Aw Ducky", Y/N said before pulling Chris close, laying his head on her chest, rocking them back and forth, while running her hand through his hair and rubbing circles on his back. "You have to remember how to express your feelings. Even if you feel like screaming and saying all of those mean words, you have to take deep breaths and ask Mama for help. Then, once you calm down, you can tell me exactly how you're feeling, but always with respect. You understand?"

"Mmh, I undew'stan' Mama. No scweamin', a'ways ask Mama fo' hewp", Chris mumbled against Y/N's chest before pushing himself up to look at his Mama. "I sowwy Mama"

"I forgive you, baby boy. And I'm sorry too for what happened at the club meeting today. Talking about that, there are two things I need to discuss with you", Y/N informed Chris.

"Wha's it?", Chris asked hesitant, while cuddling his bear close.

"Auntie Aubrey called me and told me what happened with Chris. Apparently, you're not his only victim. The other littles confessed about other things he has done to them, so his Mama is going to talk to him and make him apologize to everyone, including you", Y/N started explaining and Chris nodded in understanding. "That's the first thing. The second one has to do with the club too. In order for Chris to apologize to you, we have to go back", Y/N informed Chris but he whined and shook his head no.

"Nu Mama, me no wan' to go back", Chris said with a pout.

"I knew you would say that, but baby, as far as I know, you really liked to hang out with Lizzie, and the other littles weren't that bad, were they?", Y/N inquired, and Chris shook his head in response. "Okay so, would it be that bad to go back? We don't have to go back immediately, but at least we can try one more time and see how it goes. Would you be open to that?". Chris thought for a bit before responding.

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