Paul is certainly a funny guy. He has clever ways of making jokes and making other people smile. This didn't change when he was little. He became a little, silly monkey, just like his Mama would call him. But this also meant that Paul would get into the craziest of situations, some of them too messy, and others too naughty.
During a random Tuesday morning, the house was rather quiet. Y/N had left Paul playing with his Hot Wheels track in the living room's playpen so she could start preparing some lunch for her baby and herself. Out of nowhere, she heard a big thud, but no cries followed it. This worried Y/N even more since she didn't know what had happened.
In an immediate rush, Y/N made sure to turn off anything that could cause a fire in the kitchen before rushing to her baby boy's aid. When she reached the living room though, she found it empty. All of Paul's toys were scattered around the floor but he was nowhere to be found. With a confused expression, Y/N started walking around the first floor of the house in search of her baby.
"Monkey, where did you go?", Y/N called out as she continued looking around the house, under every table and furniture there was to see if Paul had hidden from her. He loves doing that and giving Y/N unnecessary heart attacks. He thinks he's so cheeky.
After not getting a response, Y/N went back to the kitchen to retrieve her phone so she could check the cameras around the house. As soon as she picked up her phone, she entered the app to see the footage of the last hour when suddenly, she looked up and saw that the freezer's door was wide open. She stared at it in confusion before walking around the kitchen island, only to be met with a shocking yet hilarious sight.
Paul was sitting on the floor, his diaper peeking out from his shorts' waistband, with the big chocolate ice cream bucket Y/N had bought over the weekend in between his legs. The baby boy was sticking his pacifier into the melted top layer of ice cream before putting it in his mouth and licking it whole. It was clear he had been at it for a while since his cheeks were covered in chocolate. Y/N watched her baby's actions silently for a few seconds before she decided to speak up.
"What are you doing?", Y/N said, breaking the silence, the sound of her voice startling Paul. He was frozen in place, chocolate ice cream dripping from his pacifier onto the floor, with his eyes wide in surprise.
"Nofin'...", Paul mumbled lowly as he was still eating some ice cream. He slowly dipped his pacifier into the ice cream once more and placed the soother back into his mouth.
"Oh yeah? Then why is the freezer's door open?", Y/N asked tentatively.
"I no knows, Mama. Da door was alweady open when I comes here", Paul acted oblivious about why or how the freezer's door was opened. Y/N only shook her head in amusement before making another crucial question.
"And what about the ice cream covering your face? It just smeared on your cheeks like magic?", Y/N questioned with a crooked eyebrow to seem intimidating so Paul would confess. Instead of speaking, Paul slowly closed the ice cream bucket and moved it away from his legs before rapidly standing up and waddling in a rush out of the kitchen.
"You neva catch Tuwbo Monkey!", Paul yelled out in between giggles, which made Y/N gasp, and her jaw fall to the floor in shock.
"Paul Stephen Rudd, get back here, you cheeky monkey!", Y/N yelled after Paul while she quickly put the ice cream bucket back in the freezer and closed its door shut before going after her silly baby boy. Y/N knew Paul had some crazy ideas, but his previous actions had certainly blown her mind. Sometimes he could be too sneaky for her liking, but Y/N still loved Paul just like that.
"Okay, Pauly. What outfit do you want to wear? A onesie with overalls, or a pair of joggers and a shirt?", Y/N suggested some outfit options for Paul as she walked out of the walking closet in Paul's nursery with the clothes in hand. "What do you think, Monkey?", Y/N asked again while looking up to meet her baby's gaze. "Paul, what are you doing?", Y/N asked in between chuckles thanks to the scene unfolding before her.

Actors Age Regression One-Shots
Fiction généraleAge Regression Stories SFW & Non-Sexual Age Regression ⚠️Warning: Major fluff, Use of diapers, pacifiers and bottles, Breastfeeding, Bed Wetting, Angst, Anxiety⚠️ Mama Y/N and Little Actor/Actress Multiple one-shots with stories about actors and act...