Mama's New Haircut - Elizabeth Olsen

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⚠️Trigger Warning: Anxiety Attack⚠️

"I'm not sure if I want to do this anymore", Y/N told Lizzie while she helped her put on her coat.

"Angel, we already talked about this. You are getting that haircut", Lizzie said to Y/N for the millionth time today, but she still felt unsure.

"But Lizzie, I don't need to get the haircut. I could always tell Eliza to put a wig on me. I don't have a problem with that, neither does the director. That way, I can keep my hair long and everyone stays happy", Y/N kept stalling to not get out of the house.

"Y/N, baby, we went over this. You are getting that haircut, not because your character in the movie is going through a makeover phase, but because you really want to", Lizzie told Y/N sweetly while rubbing her cheeks soothingly. Y/N still looked a bit hesitant about the haircut. "If what's worrying you is my reaction, I already told you, you will always look beautiful to me, especially when I know this change will make you happy. Because when you're happy, I'm happy. Besides, you've been talking about making this change for over a year now, and I think is about time you take that step"

"Yeah, I know. But a year ago, I didn't have little you", Y/N explained, and that's when Lizzie realized what was all of this about.

"That's what's worrying you? Little me's reaction?"

"Well, yeah. She might not like it, or not even recognize me. I know her, and something as simple as a haircut can end in a total catastrophe"

"Don't worry about her; she'll be fine. Maybe she won't understand why you did it at first, but she'll get used to it. I know she loves you very much too. I bet she'll be very excited once she sees you"

"Yeah, maybe you're right. I just...I don't want to upset her,, that's all", Y/N said while looking at her hands. Lizzie smiled to herself seeing how her girlfriend really cared for her not only as her partner, but also as her little. She really loved the girl in front of her, and knowing her, she knew Y/N wouldn't stop worrying anytime soon so, she just settled for giving her some reassurance.

"And you won't, Angel. I know everything will be just fine", Lizzie said softly while rubbing Y/N's arms up and down.

"Alright", Y/N replied defeated before letting out a deep sigh. Lizzie giggled at her before they shared a small kiss. "Your mom is still coming over later, right?", Y/N asked, quickly changing the topic.

"Yes, my love. My mom is coming to visit, and she'll probably stay for a couple of days, if that's ok with you?", Lizzie inquired nervously, and Y/N just hugged her close.

"That's more than okay with me; it's amazing, actually. Now I can leave feeling more at peace knowing your mom will be here in case something happens with you or my little baby", Y/N said with a smile before leaving a kiss on Lizzie's nose.

"Nothing bad will happen with me, Angel. And my mom doesn't need to worry about me regressing either. I feel pretty big", Lizzie told Y/N sure, but Y/N just looked at her through squinted eyes.

"Bug, one of the things I pride myself at is the fact that I know you very well, and that goes for my little princess too. I know that the moment you start missing me, little you is going to pay us a visit", Y/N told Lizzie, and she just pouted at Y/N.

"But I'm big! And I'm going to stay big because I want to", Lizzie whined and huffed, but Y/N just chuckled at her childish behavior before leaving a couple of kisses around Lizzie's face while Lizzie kept sulking.

"It's alright, baby. I'm not saying you have to be little. But, in case you do slip, make sure your mom knows everything you need is up on the nursery, ok?", Y/N reassured Lizzie while shaking her a bit, trying to cheer her up.

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