When in the Presence of a Caregiver: Part 2 - Catherine Zeta-Jones

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"Dylan, come on. You already rearranged the table three times. Y/N won't mind where she sits as long as it is with us", Michael told Dylan while he was putting the cloth napkins on each seat and checking that the cutlery was perfectly aligned.

"I know, Dad. I just want everything to be perfect", Dylan told Michael excited, making his dad shake his head.

"But isn't she JUST YOUR FRIEND? You're acting as if we are hosting your girlfriend or something", Catherine commented while walking inside the open space that connects the living room, dining room, and kitchen.

"She IS just a friend, Mom. But I want her to feel comfortable. Y/N has been so good to me ever since we started hanging out, and she has invited me to her house many times. The least I could do is give her the best treatment while she's in our home", Dylan shared his thought process.

"I agree with Dylan. Y/N has made my boy smile and laugh like I've never seen before, so I think we should support Dylan and host a nice dinner for Y/N", Michael said while wrapping his arm over Dylan's shoulders, making Catherine roll her eyes and cross her arms over her chest. Both boys walked closer to Catherine and Michael wrapped his other arm around her while shaking her a bit to cheer her up. Just then, the doorbell rang.

"She's here! What do I do?'", Dylan asked nervous.

"Go get the door", Michael told him making him nod before he ran towards the door. "Now you, young lady, do you promise you'll behave?", Michael inquired, and Catherine just looked away refusing to answer. "I don't know why you don't like Y/N, but she's our guest tonight and we have to treat her with respect. If you don't feel ok or need anything, you tell me, don't stay silent. And if you are a good girl, I'll give you a surprise tomorrow. Deal?", Michael proposed to Catherine who just huffed before nodding slightly.

"Deal", she said defeated before Dylan and Y/N entered the room.

"Y/N, we're so happy you're here!", Michael said before letting go of Catherine and sharing a small cheek kiss and a hug with Y/N.

"Hi Mike, it's so good to see you", Y/N said before moving to hug Catherine. She expected Y/N to just give her a small side hug, but Y/N full on engulfed Catherine in her arms, and Catherine couldn't help but melt under her embrace. "Hi sweetheart, you look beautiful", Y/N whispered to Catherine in her ear, and she immediately blushed at the nickname and compliment. Once they pulled away, Y/N addressed the boys, but didn't quite let go of Catherine. She had a firm hold of her body. "Thank you for having me. I'm happy to join you today and share a fun time. Is Carys joining us?"

"No, she's over at a friend's house working on a college project. It will be just the four of us", Michael explained, and Y/N just nodded in acknowledgment. "Well then, shall we sit down at the table?", Michael suggested, and everyone nodded in agreement.

"Where do you want to sit, Y/N?", Dylan asked while pointing at the seats available.

"She should sit next to you. I bet she'll be happy to be next to her friend", Catherine quickly suggested before moving Y/N in the direction where Dylan was, getting away from her grasp. Catherine let out a deep breath in relief since, only for those few minutes that Y/N had been close to her, she felt herself slipping. She promised Michael she would tell him if she didn't feel ok, but she didn't want to ruin dinner.

"Wherever you want me, it's fine by me", Y/N replied simply.

"In that case, you are coming with me", Dylan said before grabbing Y/N's forearm to take her to the other side of the table. Y/N didn't budge to his actions fully since she stopped him, allowing both Michael and Catherine to walk before them to the top of the table. Michael moved a chair at the corner and he and Y/N helped Catherine settled in her seat. Once they made sure Catherine was comfortable, Michael sat at the end of the table and Y/N walked to sit next to Dylan, who was sitting directly opposite from Catherine.

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