She doesnt deserve this

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Colleen's POV:
"Baby girl!! What's wrong?" I said hugging her. Jackson looked so scared.
"Colleen look at the news." Joshua said hugging both of us.
News reporter:
Jack Morris broke out of jail and is on the loose. The last place he was seen was in Florida, Miami Florida. If you see him this is what he looks like.
I was frozen. I didn't want him coming back.
"NOO!! JOSHUA HE CANT BE OUT OF PRISON NO." I jumped into Josh's arms. And cried. He did such bad things to me.

Update looks like he is in Nevada right now. The news reported said.

"Babe, we gotta go. Come on we're going to Georgia." Josh told me as he grabbed onto me. I didn't know why he was taking me to Georgia but I didn't ask. We all got bags packed and headed out to the airport (yes we booked a flight.)

We were waiting for our flight and I wrapped my hands around his arm. Kate came and sat in his lap.
"Why are we going to Georgia?" Kate asked Josh.
"That's where my mommy and daddy live and they will take great care of us." Josh said to her.

We boarded the plane and the three kids were sitting in front of us while me and Josh sat next to each other. I was leaning against the window and saw the kids all excited. They had never been on a plane before. I smiled and look at Josh. He looked excited.

"Why so happy?" I asked him.
"I haven't seen my parents in a really long time!" He said.

The plane ride went by really fast. I was so glad to be out of California. Josh knew where he was going. He pulled up to the house and it was really big. The kids looked really happy.

Joshua's POV:
I was so glad to be home! I hadn't been home in a while and I missed my momma and papa.
I walked up and knocked on the door. When my dad opened it he looked so happy. He hugged me. My mom came up after him and hugged me.
"Mom, dad, this Colleen, my Girlfriend." I said to them smiling.
"And who are the kids?" My mom asked.
"Long story. We can explain we just need to do it over a meal." I said winking.
We all ate dinner and we told her. She loved on the kids and Colleen.
"Colleen baby. Do you feel better now." I asked her.
She rested her head on my shoulder. "Yes. thank you Joshua. I love you" she said kissing me.
"Yay your boyfriend and girlfriend!! Soon you'll be our dad!!" Maddie said clapping. We all laughed and just hanged out.

Colleen's POV:
It was about 11:30pm and we were all dead tired. Just as I was getting into bed my phone buzzed (pretended she got a new one😁). I looked and it said unknown. Joshua was already sleep. I opened it up and it said:
I already got your sister. If you loved her you would come and save her. Better come before she's my new wife. I think you know who this is.
My heart sank. Rachel. Why Rachel. What did she ever do. I snuggled up against Josh. I just wanted to be with him and my kids and have a good life. Is that too much to ask for?

Updating at 1 am!! Yay!!!

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