Your coming for who?

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(still Colleen's POV:)
"Mom, MOM WHAT HAPPENED?" I practically yelled.
I saw Josh get up and looked concerned. I looked at him and started getting tears in my eyes. He grabbed my waist and held me close.
"Sweetie Rachel is in the hospital. Someone tried to kill her." She said her voice shaking.
I started bawling and hung up. Josh heard what she said and was ready to go kill someone.
He had a man look on is face and was about to walk out the door. Him and Rachel were actually pretty close and I loved that. Also he knew how much she men't to me. I grabbed his arm.
"Joshua please. I just want to go to the hospital and see my sister." I said to him.
He nodded and we went. We dropped the kids of with Jess and went to the hospital.

When we arrived Rachel looked life less.
"What happened?" I asked the doctor.
"Someone tried to kill her. He/she knocked her out, her boyfriend saw her in time though." she said and then left the room
It was silent and the room and nobody knew Rachel woke up.
"Jack." Is what she said and the machines started going crazy. They rushed her into emergency surgery. I was bawling my eyes out and I was hold on to Joshua.
"I HATE HIM JOSH I WANT HIM DEAD." I basically screamed.
"Baby I know we all do. But if you kill him you would go to prison for about 10 years." he said tickling me. He knows how to make me happy.
It's been about 3 hours and she was awake and out of surgery.
I ran into there.
"COLLEEN SOMEONE IS WORKING FOR JACK!!! A GIRL!! SHE TRIED TO KILL ME!!" she said as she hugged me. Josh came up a few seconds behind us and hugged us.
"Josh!! Rebecca it was rebecca!!!" I said to him.
"I swear to god I'm gonna kill that fuc-" I cut him off before he could say anything.
"Violence doesn't solve the answer Joshua." I said. We all laughed. Joshua was look at his phone and looked like he was about to kill a hoe. Great.

Joshua's POV:
Rebecca texted me. She said she was coming for Colleen next. I wanted to find her and just get her out of my life. I walked out of the room because I need a breather. Colleen came out.
"Who texted you?" She asked rubbing my back.
"No one." I said way to fast. "Babe I just want to let you know I love you and I will always try my hardest to protect you and your kids." I told her. She just stared at me in confusion. She took the phone out of my hands and read the message. She looked so stressed. She ran back into the room and I followed. She showed Rachel with text message and they both cried. They eventually stopped, me and Rachel's boyfriend went to go get coffee for everyone.

It was about 3 days later and Rachel is free to go. Colleen was alway glued onto me if we were out in public, or even in the house. I felt so bad for her. I wish everything was normal. But finally we are going to bed.

Colleen's POV:
Finally we got to sleep. I hadn't slept in days.
"I've missed you so much Colleen" Jack told me as he ripped off my shirt. Jack didn't do what he usually did though. He started hurting me. Bad. I was screaming and crying it was horrible. He tried to kill me. He put a knife at my throat. And Rebecca was there, they started making out. Yuck. Rebecca hit me in the face.
End of nightmare

(Still Colleen's POV)
I woke up crying. No more like sobbing. Josh jumped up.
"Baby what's wrong????" He asked scooting closer to me.
"A bad dream." I said laying on his chest.
He kissed me but no one broke the kiss. I got on top of him and had a make out session. We stopped and both just chuckled a little. I'm so glad I have him in my life. I woke up in the middle of the night to a scream, Kate's scream.

I LOVE REBECCA!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ and I love you guys!! Thanks for reading! It means so much!
I have gotten 600 reads on I love you! (My first book!) if you haven't read I Love You, you should read it😉 okay bye guys!!

LifesaverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora