Do you still love me?

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Colleen's POV:
It's been about five weeks since everything happened. The police called the us and said they were releasing Rebecca but she is gonna be under house arrest for 10 weeks. I didn't even care. I was sitting on the couch watching Frozen with Kate and Joshua came up.

"Colleen can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked me.
"Of course baby." I said getting up. I hope everything is okay. He started off by giving me a tight hug, he is so cute.
"Babe I think we should hire a body guard or something, or like put a fence around our house." he said grabbing my waist.
"Babe, everyone is in Jail, and Rebecca is under house arrest." I said to him grabbing his face in my hands.
"I know but I just don't feel right about this, I mean there are people who were working for Jack." he said kissing my cheek.
"Josh would you stop worrying? Everything is fine now, we are living a good life. It's all over." I said getting out of his grip.
"I'm just want to make sure you and the kids are safe." he said walking closer.
"Josh you don't have to be my babysitter! Nobody is after me, nothing has happened in a month. We are fine now! I all I want is to live a normal life!" I said slightly yelling. I love Joshua a lot but he worries way to much. He always is worrying. I stared him in the eyes and walked out of the door. He didn't even bother chasing me. When I was walking out I saw our neighbor, looked like he was going on a run.
"Hey Colleen? You okay?" Joey asked sitting down next to me.
"Yeah Josh and I just had a little fight, I just need someone air." I said looking at him. He looked like a really nice guy.
"Well I'm always here to talk if you ever need to talk." he said to me smiling. I smiled back and leaned in and kissed him. Why did I kiss him? He pulled back almost immediately.
"Colleen, I don't um, well I don't think I told you this but I'm gay and your married." he said getting up.
"Joey I'm so sorry I just I don't know." I looked back and saw Josh standing there with Kate. She reached for Josh, and josh picked her up and they walked back inside. What has gotten into me?
"Joey I'm really sorry I don't know what I just did." I said to him.
"Your fine girl. I think you need to go talk to your man." he said getting ready to run. "bye girl!" He said starting to run away.
I got up and ran inside.

Joshua's POV:
I walked out with Kate so I could go apologize but I saw her lean in and kiss Joey. Joey pulled back, so I couldn't be mad at him. I was more sad. I wonder if Colleen still loved me. I carried Kate back in and she took a nap. Colleen came running in and froze when she saw me.
"I question if you still love me Colleen, because your acting like you don't." I said to her starting to get tears in my eyes.

Oh snap what just happened.
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LifesaverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora