A New Friend

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Ricky's POV:
Colleen was really nice. I didn't have feelings for her though, plus she was married. At around 10 Joeys boyfriend Dan came up to us. He was drunk.
"Hello Colleen." He said to her. Colleen looked kind of scared. I don't blame her. She stood close by my side.
"I'm sorry I don't know your name." she said putting her hand out to shake.
He slapped it and she jumped back.
"My name is Dan. I heard you kissed my boyfriend." He said getting closer. Colleen looked so scared.
"Back off Dan." I said pulling Colleen back. Josh looked over and came over. Colleen clung onto him, again don't blame her.
"Don't kiss my man. Incase you didn't know he is mine." Dan said. Joey came running up and pushing him back.

Joshua's POV:
Colleen was still holding onto me.
"Colleen I'm so sorry about him. What did he say." Joey asked. Colleen didn't say anything back.
"Um he said something about her kissing you." Ricky said.
"Oh Colleen!! I'm so sorry." she got up and hugged Joey. She talked to him for a minute and I went over to Ricky.
"Thanks for sticking up for her. I don't know if she told you but she has had a rough past." I said to him.
"She told me a little, I'm so sorry. So what was this thing about kissing Joey?" He asked me.
"Well it was a while back ago but Colleen and I got in a little fight and she wasn't thinking and she kissed Joey, she also didn't know he was gay. They don't really care now though." I said to him kind of whispering so Colleen wouldn't hear. I like Ricky I can trust him. I know he won't hurt Colleen, but I also know that he doesn't have feelings for her.
"Oh sorry man. Hey well don't worry, I know it must be hard to make friends but tell Colleen I'm here for her!" he said shaking my hand.
"Thanks Ricky!" I said back to him. I stayed with Colleen the rest of the night. We were walking home and I could tell she hated it. Even though we were only 5 houses away she still looked scared. She looked dead. I don't blame her she is pregnant for heavens sake.
I picked her bridal style and carried her home. She was so tired she fell asleep in my arms. Wr arrived home and Gwen and Tim were watching tv. They saw the Colleen was sleeping. Ms. B looked so happy. I brought her to the bed and tucked her in. She was still in her dress but she need some rest. I walked back out. Gwen and Tim looked like they were ready to go to bed (they were staying the night).
"Thank you guys for watching the kids! How bad were they?" I said joking.
"They were perfect. Your very sweet to Colleen, Josh. If only she meet you earlier in her life." Gwen said looking down.
"I think about that all the time." I said back to her hugging her.
"Thank you Joshua." she said. I heard her sniffling.
"No need to thank me." I said and smiled at her.
I went and got changed colleens eyes opened and she looked confused.
"Hey baby." I said kinda laughing. I grabbed her a onesie and and she quickly changed into it. I got into bed with her and she snuggled into me.
"I love you Joshua." she said and held onto me tight.
"I love you more Colleen Mae Evans."
I said kissing her check. I saw a small smile appear on her face



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