016: Disguise- America (USA)

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You look like an angel
Walk like an angel
Talk like an angel

He should have listened to the warnings England had given him, if he had only payed attention once, he would have know she was a marvelously bad idea. She was a colony just like he once was, full of the fire of rebellion that arouses when oppression faces bravery. She belonged to Spain, and resembled him greatly, with chocolate eyes and caramel skin.... She was just like the desserts he liked; and he was so awestruck by her, that he found himself helping her scape his brothers house. She wanted freedom and he just wanted her.

The sky was clouded that morning, yet the market was as alive as ever, with Spanish guards taking extra especial measures to keep the colonies in place and their products on the sale. America was a usual costumer, but the guards knew his presence caused an undesired effect of hope on the colonies. 

He went around the market like he used to, searching exclusively for delicious sight of her. _______ was in her usual spot, surrounded by the wildly colored fruits that smell just as sweet as she did.
"Oh, isn't this my favorite fruit?" Said an smirking America
"¡Hola señor America! I have save it for you" she said smiling.
" You are so kind ______" He said enjoying the pleasure of her smile.
" Here, the usual amount" She said, handing him an already prepared bag " Please come back, I'll be waiting here for you" She said with oddly, but no less attractive, intense brown eyes.
" You know I will" He said with a wink.

Later that night, he found himself retracing his steps to her fruit stand, now empty and dark, carrying a much bigger and heavier bag. Inside the fruit bag he had found a little note from her; he had started this form of communication with her, but after tonight he was decided to end it.
"______?" He whispered softly.
" In here" Said her voice from a nearby alley.
" What are you planing to do?!" He said as soon as she was in front of her.
" Did you bring them?" She inquired back, excitedly.
" Yes, you know I'll never fail you... But weapons? Why do you need those? Are you planing of killing Spain?!
" Thank you!" She said taking his hands "And don't worry, I don't want to kill anyone, but my brothers and sisters deserve freedom, just like you... And we are going to get it even if Spain doesn't want to" She said determined.
"But ______, that's dangerous! You could just run away with me and I would keep you safe" He said, holding her hands tighter.
"And what about the rest of my siblings?! They deserve freedom! " She sighed, pulling her hands away from his, to caress his face "You are my hero, you have done too much for me and I will keep what you did forever in my heart.... But I won't go with you, I have to be free fi..."
She was interrupted by the sudden noise of the Spaniard guard. In one brief moment, her hands traveled back to his, only to rip off the bag of weapons from his hands.
"America run! And thank you!" She said before disappearing in the shadows.
He stood there paralyzed for a second, still holding onto her sweet smell, her deep eyes and her warm hands. His body regained consciousness slowly, apparently awakened by the heavy steps and swords of the Spaniard Guard.

"Tell me again what were you doing there?!" Said an altered Spain.
" Looking for fruit...  But fruit didn't want me" whimpered the blond American.
" ¡¿Qué?! The market was closed!" Screamed an overly stressed Spaniard.
" I know! But she was there, so beautiful like a tropical angel... But she was no angel, she just wanted my weapons.... She fooled me Spain! That little exotic devil!"

You are the devil in disguise
Oh yes you are.
The devil in disguise.

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