023: Melt - Russia

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Everyone warned me I should not invite Russia to my house. They might have been right, but for all the wrong reasons.

Russia had arrived to my home barely an hour ago. I picked him up at the airport and he behaved nicely. We made it to the house, I got him to his room, and he seemed a little tired; 'it must be jet lag' I thought. I gave him time to get settled, not wanting to alter him in any way, and I was now waiting patiently for him at the back porch.
"_______" I heard him say softly behind me.
"Oh Russia! Ready to take that walk along the beach?" I said looking at his slightly redder face "Are you alright? You know, you can take off the coat now... I-if you want to" I corrected, nervously.
"I'm... Fine" he smiled "let's go, da?" He ordered, practically dragging me towards the hot sand in my backyard, that led towards the deep blue ocean that lulled me to sleep every night.
"Russia, are you sure you are alright?" I said after a few minutes of walking "I mean, you are practically melting, like an ice cream on summer... Oh God!" I whispered, realization hitting me... A little too late.
"Russia!" I half screamed as his body collapsed on the sand. His face red, his lips dry and his whole body drenched in sweat "Please don't die... Or melt!" I pleaded.

I knew I had to take him out of the sun, so I ran back to the house to look for help. I couldn't carry him all by myself. As soon as we got him to the house, I asked my helpers to bring back ice water and towels. Meanwhile I took of his scarf, coat and boats; I rolled up his pants and the sleeves of his shirt, and opened his shirt.
"Miss ______" said one of my helpers with the bucket of ice water in her hands.
"Thank you... Quickly, soak the towels in the water and hand them to me, he is burning!" I said, scared of what could happen to him if we didn't lower his temperature on time.

With quick hands I placed towels under his knees and over his elbows, over his chest and surrounding his neck, and finally a small one over his forehead, slightly tilting his jaw upward, to open his airway.
"Please go get some water and something else to rehydrate him" I asked, more calmed now, as I saw his marbling color returning.
"Yes miss, and great job" she smiled.
"Not so great, how could I have forgotten he was a snow man" I said, exasperated.
" I'm not... A snowman" I heard him mutter lightly.
"The water is coming... And I meant that you are cold country, you are not used to a tropical weather" I sighed "I should have known better"
"Miss, the water" said my helper, just in time.
"Thank you again" I smiled "Russia, can you sit down a bit? You need to drink something"
"Da..." He said in a low grunt.

It took around half and hour, 3 changes of cold towels, 1 glasses of water and 1 glass of a rehydration beverage, to get Russia back to his old and strong self. Only one thing worried me: he was awfully quiet.
"Are you really feeling better?" I asked, partly just to break the silence.
"Yes... I'm much cooler now" he smiled.
"Good" I exhaled "I'm sorry I forgot you are not used to this much sun. I was so scared when you fainted on the beach..."
"We're you really worried?" He asked softly.
"Yes" I said, confused by the question "I'm your host and your my friend Russia, I care about you therefore I worry" I said, as if it was the most basic thing in the world.
"I won't melt, so don't worry" he smiled, but differently, like he wasn't him.
"It's hard to say, in here it's always hot and sunny" I laughed.
"I like it here, it's warm... Like you" he smiled weirdly again, looking straight at me.
"I'm a tropical country, it's natural" I said, trying not to look directly at him. "But you are not, so you better try to keep yourself fresh and apply sunscreen... A lot of it" I half laughed.
"Is the ocean warm too?" He asked, finally not looking at me.
"It's not ice cold, like you are used to... But it's not warm. That's how we keep ourselves fresh here" I clarified.
"I want to try it" he said walking to the back porch again.
"Wait Russia, you need a bathing suit and a lot of sunscreen, and probably a shirt too... Since your skin is so clear"
"I'll be fine" he said, not even bothering to look at me, he just started to remove his shirt... And pants... And the rest.
"It is fresh" he stated once he was in "don't you wanna come in too, ______?"
"I-I'll go put on my bathing suit" I said panicking, running toward the living room's phone. I dialed as fast as I could
"Pick up! Pick up!" I whispered "Oh hi Lit! Can you come here? I think the heat broke Russia" I said quickly.
"Broke him?" Said the small voice on the phone.
"________, come to the sea with me! It's not cold like snow, you can get in naked!" Screamed a happy Russia from outside.

"I'll go get help... " said Lithuania last.

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