027: Bravery- Switzerland

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Author's Note: This is a second part to "014: Chase- Switzerland"


She was genuinely surprised to see him at her door.

"I..."He cleared his throat "I came to pick you up... L-Lily said it would be polite to come pick you up, since it's pouring outside" he finished, staring just slightly at her.

"But Vash, Lily said she was going to study with a classmate today... here, look" she said showing him the text.

"She had to wait!" he said in a low voice, apparently a bit irritated.

"I'm sorry?"

These two siblings always made her feel confused. Lily was always bringing up his brother into conversations, mostly with stories that didn't make him look scary or unreasonable. Vash, on the other side, almost never talked to her, but she had caught his stare on her, several times. She liked them both nonetheless, but they were confusing, she needed things to be said straightforward.

"_______" he exhaled hardly "I was reading this morning and came up with something, that later caused me to come here..."

"Vash, I don't understand" she said softly, as if speaking to a lost kid.

"The plan was that Lily would cancel the tutoring once you were in my car" he replied.

"The plan? What's going on Vash?" she said strongly, feeling a weird pressure in the pit of her stomach.

"Small acts of bravery make the difference, that's what I read this morning" he said, half smiling, still just lightly staring at her. "________ I came to... ask you to" he was blushing rapidly "To... go on a date with me" He finished.

"Date?" she answered automatically, shocked by the turn of events.




"Ah-"she choked, realizing how hot her face was turning. "Yes... j-just let me grab my things"

She went inside and sighed, feeling both happy and blushed. He stayed petrified outside, with a small smile drawn on his face.

Hunting had never been so difficult!

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