028: Goal- Spain

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It was Sunday and we were inside. It was Sunday and it meant Soccer, at least for Spain.

"Help yourself to everything you want" he said to me, pointing at the table with snacks.

I didn't even know who was playing, but he was wearing a white shirt and a blue scarf. 'This seems to be his favorite team' I thought, as I scanned the shield on his chest. He had told me the name, something of Madrid, but I had discovered retaining Spanish words was something difficult for my brain. One thing for sure, I couldn't ask him again, so I'll just look it up later.

The game started and he, kindly enough, took time to explain to me every line in the ground, what was allowed and what wasn't, the positions of the players and what was the whole point of the game, oh and something about a league, with a point system I can't remember now. As the game went on, I kept looking at him: he liked some handsome with his attention on the T.V, like he was the trainer on the field.

Finally, one of the players in the white shirt got dangerously close to the other's team frame and...

"¡Goooool!" He screamed as the ball got in, raising to his feet and cheering with everyone else on the T.V.

"Goal?" I said innocently.

"It's gol, and it means they score," he said smiling.

"So that's a goal" I replied.

"Gol" he repeated" like saying go karts but with an 'L' in the end" he said.

"Goul" I said, trying to sound like him.

"Almost" he half laughed. "Try sticking the tip of your tongue to the palate with the 'L' sound" he said, showing me as best as he could.

"Gol" I smiled.

"Perfecto!" he laughed charmingly.

"That perfect right?" I asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, now say this: sí" he said; his mouth almost drawing a smile.

"Sí" I laughed.

"One more time... but wait" he cleared his throat "¿querrías ser uno con España?" He finished holding a laugh.

"I don't know what you asked but I know sí means yes... so I won't answer until you translate"

"Smart girl... would you like to become one with Spain?" He said in that Casanova voice of his.

"Hello Rusia" Ilaughed "... and maybe later, now, your team has a yellow card" Ifinished laughing.

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