005: Morning - England

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* Note: Slight smut

The sound of curtains being opened was followed by rays of sunshine crashing my closed eyes and a pair of soft lips tenderly placed on my cheek, as his voice slowly pulled me out of my sleep.
- Good morning Iggy- I mumbled while rubbing my eyes.
- By the hundred time, do not call me Iggy!- his voice hissed near the door.
- I'm sorry Arthur... It's catchy- I smiled now fully awake, staring at his annoyed figure opening the bathroom door.
- I have to maintain Alfred far from you- he said closing the door.
I smiled at his retort an walked out of bed, putting on my bunny sleepers as I made my way to the recently closed door.
- Don't be grumpy Artie, I'll prepare your favorite breakfast...
- Do not call me Artie either... And make it an English please- he said from behind the door.
- Alright Bunny, right away- I laughed as I heard him drop something inside... Of all the nicknames he hated "Bunny" the most.
- DON'T CALL ME THAT!- he screamed, and after a few months living with him, I knew it was a cue for me to leave.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and started working in his breakfast, soon catching a glimpse of the calendar. " January 3rd" I read in my mind... I think I've seen that date before, maybe in one of the books I'm fond of? My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden arrival of a British gentleman into the kitchen, his hands placed on both sides of my hips, as he peeked over my shoulder.
- Is it done already? I'm quite hungry- he said softly into my ear.
- As a matter of fact it is... The bread it's already on the table.
- Are you joining me?- he said in the same position.
- As always... - I turned around to kiss him- but there is no way I can eat all that, so I'll settle with some eggs and fruit.
- Ou... You should be more fond of British food- he  complaint.
- Some day- I said laughing.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to take a bath and change, still thinking about the date. Soon enough I went downstairs to the library to see if I was right about having seen it in one of my books. I searched for about an hour until I came in sight of "The Hobbit" by J.R.R Tolkien, and opened it to see the information of the author in the first few pages, and found the date. I ran to to the patio, book in hand, searching for Arthur.
- Arthur! - I screamed, spotting him sitting in a bench, under the morning sun.
- What's wrong ______? - he said, a bit alarmed.
- Today is his birthday! - I said putting the book in front of his face- you have to read it to me! In his honor.
- I see... But why me?
- Thats obvious... He is a British author, it is almost your due to pay him honor - I paused and blushed a little- besides... I love your voice and your accent.
- O-0h! - I took him out off guard for what I can see in his reaction- Alright then - he said blushing, stealing the book out of my hands and opening it.
He cleared his throat and his voice started to resonate, giving life to the words of the book. Arthur was a good narrator, his voice fluctuated according to the emotions of the text, he did the pauses just right, giving the whole story an intensity beyond just words. And to top it all, his accent made the words more powerful and meaningful, his lips softly parting and gracefully moving along with his tongue with every word he pronounces...
- Arthur... I'm not listening to you anymore- I interrupted him, feeling kind of guilty.
- Well that' rude , first you interrupt me with no manners at all and then you say you're not paying attention to my reading, when it was you lady who begged me to read it- he scolded.
- I apologize Arthur but...- taking the book out of his hands and placing it behind me, over the bench- you look so damn handsome reading for me.
- D-do I? - he said suddenly red.
- I can keep reading later, but now- I said placing my hand in his cheek- I want to spend time with another British- my lips were now almost over his- intimate time Arthur... - finally I crashed my lips against his, feeling his response just as feverish as mine.
- I'll have to read to you more often- he smirked.
- Arthur, I know a better way to spend our morning than talking... So just shut up and take me to the bedroom- I smirked even wider.
- Promptly my lady- he said pulling me out of my feet- I shall not waste more time- he said kissing me passionately... and the next thing I knew, I was being thrown into bed.

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