009: Window - Russia

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My eyes attached to him during the entire world meeting, he was acting different today, something was upsetting him. This time, his childish smile was absent, even the pure one he saved for me; but apparently no one seemed to notice his change, anyway, how could they? nobody, besides me, knew Ivan so well.
When the meeting ended, I approached him, curiosity burning my insides; I was dying to know what was hurting him... Even though I had a hunch I knew the reason already.
- Ivan!- I said tugging his coat- are you leaving without saying goodbye to me?
- солнышко (1)... - he seemed surprised- It is good to see you... - he said oddly- I have another meeting to attend to, so please forgive me, goodbye.
- Are you alright? - I said outloud when he turned around, afraid I would lose my chance.
- da... - he said without turning, I could sense the sadness in his tone.
I was about to say something but he just muttered a "goodbye" and flashed me the fakest smile I had ever seen... And then he was just gone. I stared astonished, now where was I going to find why he was....
- Toris! - I screamed, grabbing him by his shirt and pushing him slightly against the wall- Tell me what is upsetting Ivan!
- _- ________! You are doing it again! - he whined... I let him go instantly, sometimes I forgot too much enthusiasm was dangerous.
- I'm sorry Toris...- I smiled apologetic- Can you tell me why is Ivan acting so sad?
- Oh... It's that time a year...
- General winter - I whispered, seems like my hunch was right...
- Yes... And he is having some political troubles, h-his people is angry.
- I see - I muttered softly.
That's explains a lot... If only I could do something to make him feel better... Wait I can!
- Toris... You have to help me! - I said enthusiastic again.
- W-With what?
- I think I can improve his humor, so just make sure he doesn't arrive home until 17:00- I smiled, going over my plan in my head.
- But he is supposed to arrive at 15:00! How am I going to keep him from home for two entire hours?!
- Just make him do some errands or something... Please Toris!- I said, begging him with puppy eyes.
- Oh... Fine!
- Thank you! Thank you! - I said kissing his cheek- I promise after my plan he won't annoy you! - I left, running straight to my house to pick some things and then straight to his... This would be perfect!


There was one hour left before the deathline and I was just finishing my project; I knew him so well, he was going to love this, the only bad thing was that I wouldn't be able to see his smile, like those I love so much. I snapped out of my fantasies and stared at my finished painting, it was my best job so far, maybe because it was dedicated to him... I smiled, and packed my things, leaving a note where he would find it, making sure the cold air of winter wouldn't blow it away... Now it was just a matter of him seeing it.


The car was parked on the porch as a very angry Ivan jumped out of it, followed by a trembling Toris.
- Finally... You made me waste time! -Ivan said, staring evilly at Toris.
- I-I am sorry - he said shutting his eyes.
- I'll punish you later- he said darkly- now bring vodka to my studio.
- Y-yes! - he squealed scared.
Heavely he walked in his studio, overwhelmed by his problems but something was different. The main window that every day lets the rays of the sunset enter the room, was now decorated with a beautiful painting of a field of sunflowers, covering all the white of the snow, but letting the sky present itself as magnificent as it was. Ivan was startled by the sight, who could have done this?
He approached slowly to the window, noticing the painting had been done from the other side, so the person who did it, must have gone through a freezing cold while making it... Then a small white paper trapped in one of the openings of the window caught his sight, it was a note. Ivan recognized the handwriting right away; a soft real smile appearing in his face as he read it: " Dear Ivan, a little bird told me you were having some troubles, so I hope this painting can help, at least it can scare General Winter out of your thoughts. Enjoy your field of sunflowers Ivan, and each time you see it remember a friend gave it to you. Sincerely, _________. P.S: Don't ever give me a fake smile again."
- Sir... Th-the vodka- said Toris to the man behind the desk, suddenly noticing the painting, he smiled aswell.
- Thanks, you can leave now- Ivan said softly, still staring at the window.
As he ordered, he was left alone again, but somehow he did not feel lonely, like before, he was now feeling happy or something alike, but what was certain was that his troubles no longer felt as heavy to him.

* Translation
1. солнышко (solnyshko): little sun

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