010: Tree - Spain

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It happened in a spring day, a sunny but cold day. She was reading under a tree, as every Saturday afternoon, but today she wasn't really reading.

She tried as hard as she could but her brain just wasn't able to process the book, her mind was somewhere else... In a lonely and sad place.

One heavy sigh she breathed out. One more thought hurt her heart.

She looked up from the book; the green leafs danced with the wind in a golden sundress above her, as her mind went back to those awful memories involving...him.

She shook her head; "Just forget it!" she commanded out loud as her brain apparently did not want to obey her. One more sigh as she closed the book and rested her head against the big tree behind her...

-________? - She jumped at the voice calling her name from behind the tree, mostly because that voice was his voice.

She stood silent.

He sighed, sitting against the other side of the tree.

- I know you are still angry at me... But please listen to me, _____ - he whispered with his familiar accent.

She pushed the book against her chest, no words leaving her mouth.

- No vas a hablarme, ¿cierto? (1) - He said in a defeated tone- _______, I am really sorry about what happened... About what I did; I was not conscious of the damage I was doing to you... Yo, de verdad lo siento... (2) - he said remorseful.

She shut her eyes closed, trying to hold back the incoming memories.

- Please answer me... ¡Por favor ________! (3) - He begged

- I-I can't forgive you Antonio... Not now -her voice was soft- I need time... I guess- she said standing up.

- Lo siento (4) - he said last.

She slowly walked away from the tree, away from him.

He stayed seated against it, his hands now covering his face.

... And that afternoon, they both cried.

* Translation
1. You won't talk to me, right?

2. I am really sorry.

3. Please _____!

4. I'm sorry.

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