022: Stolen- Estonia

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AN: Second part and a little too long. Enjoy!

"Ah, finally out of detention" I smiled to my usual detention partners.
"I still can't understand how you managed to get just one week of detention, after that little felony you pulled last week" said an impressed Prussia.
"You need my kind of charm to do that. And it wasn't a felony, I just used the wrong means to a rightful end" I replied dismissive.
"You are charming, querida" said Spain, putting his arm around my shoulders.
"I know, it's my gift" I half smirked "Speaking of gifts, did you get me my dress, Francis?"
"The one of a kind designer dress you wouldn't shut up about?" Said Prussia in a mocking tone.
"Yes" I smiled " So, did you?!" I turned to Francis, an overly excited smile in my face.
"Have I ever disappointed you, ma chère" he winked "it's in my locker"
"I swear if you weren't a playboy I would kiss you right now" I said, hearing the soft laughter of Spain, next to me.
"You could kiss me, instead" smirked Prussia.
"Yeah... Never" I said, this time Francis laughter echoing too.
"Just remember it's not technically paid for..."
"It's stolen?!" Said Spain, taking his arm out of me.
"Non, it's not yet for sale..." France started.
"Therefore, it's just borrowed" I finished with a smile.
"Does the designer know you took it?" Inquired Spain, not yet convinced.
"Everything designed in France belongs to me, one way or another" he stated nonchalantly.
"That's a no" laughed Prussia.
"_______, you can't..."
"Chill Tony, I promise I'll take care of it and we'll return it safely. Besides, quoting Gil, I will look awesome in that dress."
"And you would look more awesome if you went with me, instead of the four-eyed tech kid" said Prussia.
"Eduard" I said annoyed "that's his name, and he was there for me when I needed him"
"Have I not?" He said with a pretentious tone.
"You couldn't even convince you brother to abdicate in my favor in front of your grandfather" I blurted.
"You still remember that..." he said laughing nervously, dropping the subject.
" Anyway" I said in a happy note "Can I have the dress now?" I said, smiling excitedly towards France.

I took Francis arm, said goodbye to the rest, and headed towards his locker. As soon as he opened the locker, the dress was in my hands: just the right color, beautiful texture and the simple design of the fabric around the unique cut of the dress. Simple perfection.
"The love of a woman for a dress is one of a kind" laughed France.
"And wait 'till I wear it" I laughed as well, before I saw some familiar faces coming from the choir room.
"Ah, the lucky date" whispered France in my ear.
"Shut up" I said in a low voice, involuntarily looking for him.
"I heard the Baltics' house is near the school, just in case... Ow" he stopped when I elbowed his ribs.
"I'm not you... And there is Irina. See you tonight Francis!" I said running towards her.

"Hi Iri, ready to get ready?" I said smiling and her, seeing Estonia just behind her.
"______... Yes, Elizabeta is waiting outside"
"Great! Hold on" I said moving to the right, just enough to meet Estonia face to face. "Hi Eduard"
"______, Hi... I was going to call you..."
"I'll be at Irina's house getting ready, we can take my car or yours, it's good either way, just let me know so..." I felt his hand in my shoulder.
"You are talking too fast" he half laughed "I'll pick you up at 7. And I made sure to match your dress" he smiled, directing his eyes to the bagged dress I was holding.
"Sorry. And thank you... Uhm, so I'll see you tonight" I smiled.
"I'm looking forward to it" he smiled too, looking at the floor.
I felt the need to run and dragged Ukraine with me. In no time, we were at her house, Hungary in charge of hair and myself in charge of make up. At 7 sharp, there was a knock on the door. I first thought if would be Austria, but apparently he got lost and was now arguing with Hungary through the phone; so I opened the door to meet Estonia. I instantly smiled, not only because I caught his cheeks turning red, but because he looked...well, really handsome.
"Hi Eduard, you are punctual" I giggled.
"Oh... Ahm... I-I just live near by. You look so beautiful." He exhaled.
"Thank you, I mean to make us King and Queen" I smirked.
"Really? Well then, let's get going" he smiled, offering his hand.
"A gentleman. I chose wisely" I said taking his hand,as he leaded the way to the car.
"I like your tie" I said once in the car.
"I picked it just for you" he laughed slightly.
"And peeking you was a really good idea" I laughed too.

As we rode to the school, we felt more at ease with each other. It wasn't like hanging with Spain or Prussia, I don't know why, but if felt more natural and awkward at the same time. As we arrived, everyone's eyes traveled to us, exactly how I wanted it to happen. After the proper salutations/propaganda, we were left alone at the drinks table.
"No alcohol as I suspected it... The German brothers are not gonna like it" I laughed a little.
"You hang out with Gilbert right?" He asked, not sounding happy.
"Mostly because we share detention, I hang out more with Francis and Tony, when they are not chasing girls. Francis got me this dress actually" I said quickly changing the topic. I do not wanna talk about Gilbert.
"He bought you that dress?!"
"Well no, he kind of borrowed it from a French designer... Without telling him" I said, suddenly ashamed. It was one thing to tell your messed up friends about wearing a technically stolen dress, and a whole different thing to confess stealing to such a nice boy as him.
"So it's stolen?" He said laughing "You are trouble"
"Hey... I warned you!" I smiled, slightly pushing his shoulder.
"I... Think I could get used to it" he smiled, and I felt weird, happy and nervous and plain weird.
"Oh... Well... We should dance or something" I said, feeling the need to run again.
As we reached the dance floor, I could see Francis winking at me, a sign of approval of my look. That, luckily, made forget about running. For a couple of songs I danced with Eduard with my usual confidence, until I saw a disaster approaching.
"Hey beautiful" said the familiar voice of Prussia from behind Estonia.
"Goodbye Gilbert" I said instantly.
"C'mon, you are always happy to see me" he smirked, as he looked to Estonia "Aren't you done with the payment thing?"
"Date, Gil. I'm on an date with Eduard" I said, trying to hold back the bitterness of my tone.
"Well, when you get tired of her buddy, call me. I'll be pleased to take your place" he said, smirking to me.
"Get lost Gil!" I said, making clear I was annoyed by his presence.
"Don't wait for that call, buddy" I heard Estonia reply. It wasn't something I would have expected from him. Prussia just smirked and left.
"So I'm your date?" He inquired, a small smile playing in his lips.
"O-off course you are... What are you doing?" I stopped as I felt his hand in my waist.
"It's a slow song" he giggled "I did not think that would scare you"
"Surprise is the right word" I said, placing my hands around his neck, noticing for the first time in the night that he was quite taller than me, and also that his eyes were so... No, _____ stop, just stop.
"So... Gilbert's into you" he said out of the blue.
"Ah? He is not, he is infatuated because I'm not into him" I answered.
"Who are you into, then?"
"Me? W-why do you ask?" I said, feeling unusually nervous "it's not lady like to vent that kind of information... You should answer it instead..."
"I like when you are nervous" he giggled softly.
"I-I'm sorry? Are you implying..." I stopped, feeling a cold shot running through my veins, as a pair of warm lips took over mine. They were gone as quickly as they had come.
My hand traveled instantly towards my lips, my cheeks as warm as his.
"I can steal too" he said shyly.
"I'm such a bad influence" I whispered, still shocked about his action, but mostly about my reaction. I had never felt my heart beat so strongly.
"Excuse moi, I have to take this frozen princess to the stage for the coronation" said Francis to my right, placing his hand on my back "and Mr. Von Bock, good job shutting her up"

Extended ending

After what Francis referred to as a "kiss commotion" I ended up winning the crown alongside Tony, and I lost track of Eduard. That sneaky tech boy had managed to make me lose my composure and only a part of me was angry, the other part... I was trying to ignore. I figured a little air could help me keep it together, and apparently he thought so too.
"Hey Eddie" I said from behind him.
"_____!" He said surprised, a small tint of red dusting his cheeks. "Or should I say Queen _____" he smiled, as if trying to reassure himself, but reassuring me instead.
"I have another crown, if your want to wear it" I said showing him what Tony had given me.
"But I'm not the King" he stated.
"You can be one if you want to" I said placing it in his head "I told you I was going to make us King and Queen"
"Is this one stolen too?" He half laughed.
"No, it was a gift" I smiled " not like it matters, since you seem to be as good of a thief as I am" he smiled
"You are trouble, boy".

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