013: Justice- England

68 3 2

Your eye twitched at the scene taking place in your living room. 

A white curly wig in his head,

A brown toy hammer in his hand,

A black coat around his body

And two small figures behind a plastic table.

"Miss Kirkland, present your case"

"The accused, known as Edward Kirkland, is charged for stealing my gummy bears. According to the evidence found in his pocket, he had opened the package at left only the orange gummy bears, and as the accused has stated, he dislikes orange gummy bears and also he was the only one at that kitchen, so he must have done it!" smirked the little girl.

"Don't make assumptions Lizard!" snapped an angry Arthur-look alike boy.

"Silence Mr. Kirkland" said the man in the wig "Do you have anything to say to your defense?" he inquired sternly.

"Ugh... This is stupid!" he said, blowing his hair annoyed.

"Watch those words Edward... And Congratulations Elizabeth, you have rightfully proven your brother to be guilty" smiled the judge.

"So that's what it was!" you stated from the doorframe.

"______!" said Arthur, with a blush on his face.

"Mommy!" screamed Liz, running to hug you "I just won a trial against Ed!"

"It was just a silly game!" growled Edward.

"Congratulations... I think" you giggled patting her head "there are fresh cookies in the kitchen, my little lawyers".

"Purfect!" smiled Liz.

"Last one is a frog!" screamed Ed, already racing to the kitchen, with Liz following his steps.

"So that's how you teach them how to solve their problems?" you chuckled.

"It's only rational I decide to teach my kids the proper sense of justice and trouble management within the law" he muttered arrogantly, removing the wig with a pink tint on his cheeks.

"You silly old kid" you said ruffling his dirty blond hair "You just wanted to play dress up with them" you laughed.

"______ that's not..." he was interrupted by your lips softly touching his.

"You were just been a father" you smiled, placing your hand on his chest "A good, caring and sexy father" you laughed intertwining your lips with his, in a longer and more intense kiss, those that made you both shiver.

"Hey kids!" he screamed as soon as your lips broke apart "Grab your things, you'll be staying at your uncle Alfred's house for the night" he then stared at you with emerald green eyes filled with intensity and a sudden lust "Let me be a good, caring and sexy husband now... it's only fair" he smirked, hands attached to your hips.

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