012: Nothing - Greece

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She knocked once...

She knocked twice...

She knocked three times with no answer at all.

"Why doesn't this surprise me?" she asked to herself out loud, already making her way up to the eternally open window of his room.
"Heracles! I'm here!" she announced her arrival, but no one answered; and this time he wasn't sleep, he just wasn't there.
"Weird... Where could he be?" she inquired in her mind, before setting eyes on the calendar to her right "oh... So it's today" she whispered with a sudden hint of sadness in her (e/c) eyes.

Meanwhile, In the dry garden behind the house, laid a young man with chocolate hair and green eyes, staring absently at the sky. A sigh came to his lips as to receive the new guest in his garden, same guest he did not notice until her calmed face appeared before his eyes, as a sweet cloud covering the gray sky.
"Hi Heracles" she said with a sweet smile, standing above his laying figure.
"Hi..." he answered tiredly.
"What are you doing?" she asked, pulling her hair behind her ear.
"Just... Nothing..." he replied in the same overly tired tone.
"Mind if I join you?"
"No... Please do..." he replied, a sudden sense of need blending in his tired tone.

She then placed  herself next to him, sprawled over the stoned floor and staring at the gray sky over them; her fingers tenderly interlacing with his. He sighed, holding her hand tightly, just closing his eyes; she smiled to him, even if he wasn't looking, while drawing with her thumb small circles in his hand.
She knew he was sad, today was her birthday after all... But he would never really show it, nor talk about it, because it would make him feel weak and he was supposed to be strong and brave, like his mother taught him to.
"Heracles... " she whispered while sitting, her hand never leaving his.
He opened his eyes, a hint of sadness disguised in his tired green orbs as they set on her face a "What?" leaving his lips.
"Nothing, just... Kiku taught me to do this" she said pulling out from the pocket of her dress a beautiful white rose made of paper "I took the paper from your desk... I thought it could make a good present for her" she said shyly but sweetly, waiting for his reaction.
"______..." he said softly, a mix of happiness and sadness in his tone "She'll love it" he stated finally, with a faint smile in his face.
"Then..." she said with a smile as well, as she laid back again, holding the rose above them with one hand " Happy Birthday Mrs. Karpusi" she said, tightening her grip around his hand.
"Happy Birthday..." he whispered.
"And..." she said releasing his hand and turning on her side, so she could stare at those beautiful green orbs "I promise I'll take care of him" she smiled, placing the rose in his chest.
His smile grew a size and his lips searched for hers; he would never show his sadness, nor talk about it, but he was thankful of all the things she did for him.

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