A/N: I've continued this series as another book and updated it! If you want to check it out, you can- the next part picks up at chapter 21
Hyunjin woke up the morning of his birthday to a large bundle of tulips- his favorite flowers- at his bedside table. The smell filled his senses upon first blinking awake, overpowering the scent of the acrylic paints that littered his room. (Because even if he had his own studio now- he still painted In his room everyday.)
Hyunjin smacked his lips and shuffled around under his thick weighted blanket some more in a poor attempt to go back to sleep because the more he moved around, the more flowers he noticed that were set up in his room. They were hard to ignore but they were endearing, even if Hyunjin just wanted to get his beauty sleep. A birthday present to himself would be sleeping in.
And just as he was about to slip back under into blissful unconsciousness, nuzzling his face into his silken pillow, there was a soft knock at his door and Felix poked his head inside. Felix and all of his vampiric glory with freckle smattered cheeks and a big smile on his face- like it was his birthday instead of Hyunjin's. And how could Hyunjin possibly be mad at him when he had a tray of Hyunjin's favorite breakfast in his hands?
"Morning, Jinnie," Felix said, in that dashing low voice of his that Hyunjin loved so much. He entered the room, avoiding tripping over the carnations and then the white roses to set the tray on Hyunjin's bedside table next to the lamp and his other flowers. It smelled just good enough to have Hyunjin's stomach growling with interest.
Well- he was awake now.
Felix sat on the edge of the bed and carded at Hyunjin's bed hair. Hyunjin leaned into it like some kind of house cat and Felix chuckled fondly. "Sorry if I brought your food too early. I heard you shuffling around from downstairs so I assumed that you were waking up."
Right. Vampire hearing. Hyunjin would never get used to that. The others probably heard everytime Hyunjin decided to go on a sexcapade with one of them. It should have been annoying but it was really only hot, in Hyunjin's humble opinion.
But he couldn't be thinking about sex this early in the morning (ten o'clock)- no; not when Felix was staring down at him adoringly and patiently waiting for him to fully wake up. Hyunjin decided to sit up and lean against his headboard a few moments later once he gathered himself, knowing that he looked fairly unattractive with his swollen cheeks and half closed eyes.
But that didn't matter to the others, because they seemed to think he was the most attractive thing even when he was in nothing but a wrinkled sleep t-shirt with crazy hair. Even when he was snotty and sick. Even when he snored because his nose was stuffy.
"Good morning," Felix repeated, scooting closer so that he could lean in and plant a light peck on Hyunjin's plump lips. "Happy birthday."
Hyunjin smiled, ignoring how he probably had bad morning breath as he leaned forward to connect their lips again- this time for a longer amount of time until Felix laughed breathlessly against his mouth and they were forced to pull apart.
Vampires didn't really celebrate birthdays- which made it just the sweeter that they always remembered to celebrate Hyunjin's human one when it came around. He had been with them for two years of his life now, and it was safe to say that Hyunjin wasn't planning on going anywhere.
"I love you, Lixie," Hyunjin said when Felix grabbed him by either of his cheeks and poked at them. They were still puffy from sleep. "Thank you for bringing my breakfast, you didn't have to."
There was an almost devilish glint in Felix's eyes when he leaned forward, as if confessing a secret for Hyunjin's ears only. "To be honest- we all fought over who got to bring it. We didn't want to all at the same time because we'd overwhelm you, but I won. They're all fuming downstairs, really jealous."
Hyunjin cocked an eyebrow upwards, his lips curling upwards into a half smirk. "Oh yeah? I think I know how we can make them even more jealous."
"How so?"
Hyunjin smiled innocently, "eat all of my food, of course."
Felix, even though he had probably expected Hyunjin's halfhearted taunt, pulled Hyunjin close by the collar of his oversized shirt to brush their lips together ever so slightly in a way that had Hyunjin's toes curling with anticipation. "Forget about the food. We can microwave it later."
And then he was diving in to eat Hyunjin whole and take him apart with his mouth and that talented tongue of his. Hyunjin felt floaty from sleep and pleasure when Felix tugged at his tangled hair to deepen the kiss, introducing tongue to push past Hyunjin's lips and explore the inside of his mouth and teeth like it was unmapped territory. Hyunjin couldn't help the breathless groan that was punched from his chest when he was pushed back down to his plush pillow and Felix moved down to lick at his neck and kiss at it gently, with tongue, until he was sucking a hickey right at his pulse point.
Hyunjin felt languid and relaxed as Felix worked him apart slowly with his tongue and teeth only to build him back up with his soft lips and sweet voice. Hyunjin couldn't ask for a better way to be woken up on his birthday.
Hyunjin was sure that he was letting out loud enough breathy moans for the entire estate to hear with their freakish senses, because not even a moment later there was a knock at his doorway and a disapproving clearing of the throat. Oops.
Minho stood, looking unfairly attractive as he leaned against the doorway with a perfectly arched eyebrow and his arms crossed over his chest. Hyunjin wanted to ravage him too- later. Minho rolled his eyes as Felix smiled innocently and rolled off of Hyunjin's body. "I sent you to deliver the food- not let it get cold at his bedside while the two of you make out."
"Sorry," Felix said- even if he didn't sound very sorry at all.
Minho narrowed his eyes. "Don't let it happen again. I cooked that with care."
And if Minho was the one who cooked it... Hyunjin quickly scrambled away from Felix to grab the chopsticks and practically shove the omelette into his mouth. "Mmmm," he moaned, borderline obscene as he licked his lips. "This is so good, thanks Minho hyung."
Minho, terrible with compliments, probably would have been blushing if he had the capability. But he was nothing but a sly cat and smirked as he told Hyunjin to finish the entire thing before he was turning away to leave. Felix was laughing at Hyunjin's little stunt as he slapped his rear playfully- and even if Hyunjin was now a year older, he only felt younger around the vampires.

Hyunjin Oneshots <3
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