After Seungmin, Minho, and Jeongin returned late to the dorm one night after a packed schedule to find Felix and Hyunjin on the couch in a... precarious... position, Hyunjin's secret habit had been exposed.
It was confusing at first, for Seungmin to stumble into the dark room with only the illumination of the credits rolling on the television to provide light. It took a minute for their eyes to adjust, and Minho didn't turn the light on like he normally would because the two figures on the couch were obviously sleeping.
Well, at least one was.
Felix, on his back, shifted and let out a yawn as he faced them, and Seungmin had to blink a few times just to make sure he was seeing things right. Because there were bite marks on the Australians chest and neck, and Hyunjin was knocked out on his chest with his cheek squished and mouth half open. If he looked closely enough- he could also see the way his tongue lolled out.
Seungmin scrunched his nose in disgust and Felix only laughed at the three of them, frozen in the doorway. He cupped a hand over Hyunjin's ear when he talked. "Don't look like that- it's not that you think."
Hyunjin shifted and more drool spilled past his lips, but he didn't wake up from the voice, so Seungmin figured it was safe for him to retort. "Are you sure? Because it looks like exactly what it is."
Felix sighed in a flippant way, "go to sleep. I'll explain what happened later."
Before Seungmin could find another snide reply about how they should probably keep their PDA to a minimum, Minho was already sighing heavily and dragging them back to the hallway to give the two some peace and quiet. He was likely too tired to deal with their bullshit himself.
So the next day, when Hyunjin carefully explained the situation to all of him and his 'embarrassing' habit- it was easier for Seungmin to process after seeing it firsthand.
Seungmin was an observer- he normally was the first one to notice the little details like how Felix's freckles always become more prominent and sun kissed when he spent more time outside and that Jeongin always wore his big clunky shoes when he was feeling especially small that day and wanted to look bigger. It was hard for them to live a life constantly under view of the world- but he knew they wouldn't have it any other way.
So he was one of the first ones to notice the mood that Hyunjin had woken up in- even if it should have been evident with how silent he was being. Hyunjin wasn't a morning person, so they all chalked his silence up to being grumpy from (probably Chan) waking him up and dragging him to the van to shuttle them all off to their recording sight.
But after fifteen minutes and a coffee, Hyunjin didn't perk up like he normally did to play along with Changbin's flirting or coo over Jeongin and his clunky shoes- Seungmin knew he was having a bad day.
Whether it was from anxiety, Seungmin wasn't sure. He was an observer, and he typically didn't point out his observations, but even so- when they all climbed out of the van he tapped Hyunjin on the shoulder. He was still wearing pajamas because the staff always shoved clothes into their arms to change when they recorded a SKZ code.

Hyunjin Oneshots <3
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