Doll (2) 🔞

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Of course, they talked about it beforehand. They always did when it came to something like this- but even the little things that were more vanilla. This was possibly the first time that Hyunjin was expanding out to letting all of his boyfriends fuck him at once because typically they spent their times in threesomes and foursomes.

But the thought of being free use for all of them sent a zing of anticipation straight up his spine because Hyunjin loved to be good for his boyfriends. Loved the feeling of being used- especially when he was Hyunjin the doll. The perfect little toy that didn't move or make a single peep, only blinking slowly when his eyes filled with tears. When no one was watching.

So call Hyunjin a bit of a pervert- whatever, he would take the title and wear it with pride.

So once Minho and him had gone through everything they could think of- all of the do's and don't even though there was very little 'Dont's' aside from 'don't piss on me'- Minho slipped under the covers with him and cuddled him to sleep. Probably the last time that Minho would be nice and sweet to him before the next day, so Hyunjin purred at the attention and scooted closely because Minho had made him a big meal and his belly felt heavy and warm.

And he was woken up much too early for his liking to the feeling of lined up fingers inside of his hole, masterfully scissoring and prodding without hitting anywhere near his prostate. Hyunjin, tired and groggy from having just woken up, groaned and instinctively pushed back against the fingers inside of him.

And he immediately stilled after when the situation caught up to him.

Minho hummed in displeasure and those diligent fingers of his left his hole and readjusted the waistband of his shorts. Hyunjin didn't dare squirm or make a sound as Minho pressed his chest against his back. "I will let this one slide, since you just woke up," he whispered, "but you're my little doll, and you should act accordingly now. Huh?"

Hyunjin didn't answer, because he knew that responding would be a trap, so he remained still on the bed- a sprawl of limbs as his sleepy brain caught up with him. After a long moment, Minho hummed in appreciation and patted his shoulder where his sweater fell off, "good." And then he was reaching back with the shuffling of the bed.

Hyunjin almost thought that he was going to roll off and take a shower, leaving him all alone as he did sometimes, but was proven wrong when Minho rolled back and slipped the hem of his shorts back down to spread his cheeks. He pressed something familiar against his rim until it gave in and pushed past- something cold and distinctively shapely that filled him up but gave him little pleasure. His favorite heart shaped butt plug, pretty and glassy pink.

"There," Minho tapped his ass, "now you'll be prepared for the others."

Hyunjin could feel his lubed up hole convulsing against the plug, trying to suck it inwards and then instinctively trying to push it out until the intruder settled within him.

How much had Minho opened him up before Hyunjin woke? Judging by the morning light filtering through his windows- it was too early for him to be awake. On his days off, he normally slept until noon.

But this wasn't his day off, he reminded himself, he had a job to do. He steeled his brain. He wanted to be the most perfect little object.

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