Singing The Words Of Jimmy Urine, But Acting Like Gerard Way

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First off Lib, Gerard says he never acts on stage. Carry on.


So turns out that Trevor and Ryan went on a date. Well, kinda just a picnic on the beach at like nearly midnight. And we have our first gig. Today. In three hours. At a place where people are known to be discovered. WE HAVE A FUCKING GIG!

As of now, all the guys, EVEN CONNOR, are at Ryan's, watching us practice.

We've decided that we are going to do Evening Wear by Mindless Self Indulgence, When The Day Met The Night by Panic! At The Disco, Mama by My Chemical Romance, and Fourth Of July by Fall Out Boy, and depending on what happens, we might do Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low.

"I need more backing vocals! Brendon, you know what to do. Ryan, I can't hear you. Louder, dude! Oh, Spencer! I need more bass in this section." I say, trying to prepare the boys for Mama, even though we've done this song before.

They go over the part, exactly how I asked them.

"Now, Ryan. Do you want to do the screaming section of do you want me to or?" I ask, looking at Ryan while tuning my guitar.

"We should both do it. You have the raspy voice like Gerard, but I can kinda get like Oli or Vic. So lets both do it. The crowd will love it. I mean, if we get s crowd." Ryan replies.

"Alright. Sounds good to me. And we will! I hope." I chime in and not with a 'haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door? No.

Stahp Lib they don't like this


"Dude if we get a crowd, I'm totally crowd surfing!" Brendon says.

"If you get dropped, I'm not paying your medical bills." I tell him and we laugh.

We finally perfected Mama and When The Day Met The Night and we only have 2.5 hours left.

I brought the guys over to my place with a bag of their clothes so I could help them get ready.

For Ryan, I picked out black ripped skinny jeans, a red and black shirt that has My Chemical Romance in the middle with the Revenge era print and So Long And Goodnight around it with 2001 at the top in between so long and the logo and 2013 at the bottom. And hes wearing converse

Brendon is wearing a The Amity Affliction t shirt with purple jeans and vans and Spencer is wearing a black and white striped shirt with blue skinny jeans. He's simple.

"Come here. You're not done yet." I say to a squirming Brendon Ace.

"What are you doing? My hair is fine! Are you putting eyeliner on me?" He asks

"Yes. Now hold still." I say.

"Oh My God! Make me look like 2005 Pete Wentz! Please!" He says, getting excited.

I agree and do the eyeliner Pete style and move on to the other boys.

Ryan looks like 2005 Pete Wentz except it's thicker and smudged at the bottom and Spencer asked if he could go for a drag queen look and winged his out. He looks fabulous.

I put on a pair of ripped pink skinny jeans with pink converse and a black Mindless Self Indulgence shirt. I do my eyeliner in a simple but noticeable way.

By the time I'm done, we have 30 minutes left. Jc decides to take us to the place and get everything set up.

"Do you realize how different the styles of music you're playing tonight are?" He asks with a smile.

"Yes. But look at Panic!." I say, simply.

"Ok true. But you have the electronic pop stuff, the dark ass satanic shit, the weird folk music, and Fall Out Boy." He says.

"Ok,first off, My Chemical Romance is not satanic. Sure, they're a little dark, but I swear. Call then satanic again and I'll cut your dick off. And everyone knows Panic! is weird when it comes to new albums and whatnot, and MSI is amazing. And yes, Fall Out Boy is simply whatever Fall Out Boy is." I state, setting Brendon's bass in the trunk.

"Alright. Sorry. Go get the boys." He tells me.

I run up and get the boys and we all pile in to the car. Instead of the radio, I get my guitar and practice and do some touch ups on Evening Wear and Mama.


At the show

"No, this goes here. The cord has to reach. Ricky! Please put the amps down! And Kian, do you know how to tune guitars?" He shakes his head no.

"Ryan! Tune this! And Brendon! Do you need new strings?" He says yes so trevor runs out to the car.

This is stressful.

Everything is finally setup, and we're good to go.

There is a crowd, but we have to get the attention first.

I take front stage and Ryan is to the left side Bren on the right.

I see Connor and smile, noticing he has Jake.

I decide to just look at him while doing our introduction.

"Um, hey. We are Nothing Personal, Lights Out. And we have different styles of music, I guess you could say, that we are doing tonight. This first piece is called Evening Wear by Mindless Self Indulgence.

I hear a girl tell Fuck Yeah! so we start playing.

"Everybody wants to join the club, once you join the club, The innocence is gone. Everybody wants to be the bomb, but once you are the bomb, the innocence is gone." I sing.

The crowd is having a blast. "This one, this is a personal favorite of our. I know some of you know the words. Sing along if you'd like! Here is, Mama by My Chemical Romance!" They go wild

"MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! Ohhhh lalalala.....MAMA! MAMA! MAMA! mom...." Ryan and I scream out.

"We're damned after all! Through fortune and flame we fall!" I sing/chant with the crowd.

We finish our selection and everyone is telling us how good we were.

We decide to do Fourth of July and the place lit up.

I look over and see Jake having the time of his life.

Be yourself. You're a different person as of now. Come on. And with that, I'm pulling a Gerard. I mean, we got the weird ass dance moves, I'm prancing around the stage, just watch Gerafdd live and you'll know...except I'm not hitting 3rd base on myself like he did in the early years.

"Thank you all! We are Nothing Personal, Lights Out! Thank you for having us! Goodnight everyone!" I say, ending the show.

People are still telling us how great we were and some even offered to help get things in the van.

Once everything is packed and loaded, I look at Jc. "You did great. I've never heard you sing like that! Even at rehearsals!" He says, hugging me.

"Thanks. Now let's go get food. I'm starving."

We like into the van and end up at a weird pizza place.

It has a weird vibe, too.

And Ryan,Spencer, Brendon and I, look like total outcasts in the place between the eyeliner and the outfits. Hell, the guys look stuck in 2005, but that's ok. I look like a Jimmy Urine wannabe. But that's ok.

We are the outcasts. And we're proud.


Don't let the static get ya!

Toxic Fighter signing off,

Until next time, my friends

A Twisted Life (sequel to Give Me Life, an O2L fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now