Yes, It Is Perhaps A Fashion Statement and Not A Deathwish

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"Yeah. We call them his 'cumslut' jeans. Colton and his boyfriend were playing around with God only knows what and his boyfriend, lets call him Fucker, was like 'Yo, I have a trick to show you.' And Colton was like 'Oh ok, cool. What is it?' And keep in mind that this was in our house, the guys and I, I mean. So him and Fucker go off and apparently his 'trick' involved glue, nail polish, and vodka. So Colton comes back, in these jeans and he's like 'You guys have to see this!' And we're all like yeah whatever. What this time? And so Colton goes and gets the glue and nail polish and mixes it and makes this really weird liquid pasty combo and he like splatters it on the wall, that's where the weird faded spot on the wall came from, by the way. And then Fucker comes over and scoops some of the stuff on his hand and walks over to Colton and puts his hand right on his crotch and there has been a white stain there since. And it's in the shape of a handprint. And if I sit or stand a certain way you can see it and so we decided to call him a cumslut and these became his cumslut jeans. And now that I think of it, I really don't know why they needed vodka. But hey, he got a new pair of jeans and Fucker got to touch him." I tell Jenny as we ride around the square.

"Well then. That's fabulous. But did he ever get shit about it? Like did y'all tease him? And what about Fucker?" Jenny asks, stopping to fix her shoes.

"Yeah we teased him. But he was cool with it. And Fucker knew that if Colton was wearing these, he was gonna get laid. Colton kinda made that known. He would only wear them when he and Fucker were gonna be alone together or he planned on getting drunk." I reply.

"Oh ok. That's great." Jenny replies, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, but then it didnt matter because I got a pair of black jeans with white splatters so we both called a cumslut." I say, matter of factly.

She nods and we decide to go into a small diner. "So it kinda became a fashion statement sort of thing for you guys, huh?" Jenny says, after ordering.

"Yeah, well it certainly wasn't a deathwish." I reply, laughing at my use of band refs.

"Really? MCR refrences? You do that a lot." Jenny says,smiling.

"I know. I do it on purpose, most of the time." I say, laughing.

"It's cute."

"Thanks, but not when you're in a serious situation at you crack a 'So long and goodnight' or 'I'm not o-fucking-kay.'" I say, grinning a bit.

"I bet. And you do that, don't ya?"

"Yep. And people glare at me, but ya know? If they don't like it, then they can gladly take a look at all the fucks I don't give." I reply.

"That's a nice way to put it, I guess." Jenny says.

"I know. Lets eat?" I say as the waiter gives us our food.

I really don't know what I wanted to do with this chapter, but I needed an explanation for cumslut jeans.

Don't let the static get ya!

Toxic Fighter signing off,

Until next time, my friends

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