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Days began to pass and I spent a lot of days with the book. I had realised by now it was a spell book, it gave you the meanings, names of the spells, and whether or not they were special. I had gone over the seven wonders, and what they did. I had also read how you can try to do them and had been trying them. So far I had manage to do: Telekinesis,
And my favourite; transmutation. I had also been reading up on uncommon powers such as clairvoyance, resurgence and power negation.  I had been reading up and studying the book for almost 2 weeks straight, but I hadn't told anyone. I don't know why, I just wanted to see if I could learn the spells on my own.

Cordelia called for a morning session with us and I got dressed, I wore a pair of black leggings, combat boots, a green day top and the hat Zoe had picked out for me, as we as my dagger necklace. I walked down stairs with Zoe and we headed to the green house where everyone stood waiting to hear what Cordelia had to say.
"Now you are all talented witches, and some of you contain a unique power, some do not how ever it does not matter. What does is if you can control them." Madison sighed, "but seen as you all know how to control them, we might as well learn new ones... Today my girls, you learn the seven wonders." A buzz filled the room and everyone began to get excited, "first wonder will be Pyrokinesis, Zoe your first."

Sorry I know short chapter, but humans has started and it's the final! 😆

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