Madison's party

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Kyle pulled up in the drive and we dived out the car doors and ran to the door. We bursted in and saw everyone in the drawing room turn there heads, Queenie, Nan and Cordelia had blank expressions, Madison look bored and jealous at the sight of me with Kyle. Zoe and Misty were smiling at me as if they were happy to see me.
"Cordelia we have-"
"Where have you been?"
"Out with Kyle, look we have to-"
"How dare you! You were suppose to be back by 11:00 sharp!"
"What it's only-"I looked at the clock, it was 11:20pm, I looked at Kyle who seemed as surprised as I did. I turned back to Cordelia, "listen I am sorry I was late, we lost track of time, we went to that witch underground hide out, and a bunch of Witch hunters almost found us. They are coming to kill us, they know who I am they have been targeting me." Cordelia's face turned from angry to worried and she walked over to me, and held my shoulders, "are you sure?" She asked and I nodded, she dropped her head in sadness.

"Well shit." I heard Madison say and we all looked at her. "What?" Queenie asked, and Nan smiled,
Nan: "you're in such big trouble Madison."
Madison: "Shut up bitch, it's just a little get together."
Cordelia: "what is just a little get together Madison?"
Madison played it cool, and smiled politely. "I have some friends that were throwing a party tonight and because I couldn't go, I said that they could come over to mine, if something goes wrong."
"You better hope that nothing goes wrong Madison, I swear to god-"
"Chill Miss Coo Coo, they haven't texted me." Madison said but at that moment her phone went off, Madison picked it up and read it, her face showing a quick emotion of fear and then she smiled and put it down.
"Just a stupid text about some bank." She said and laughed, Cordelia looked at Nan who smiled, "they are coming." She said and Madison sunk in her chair.
"Madison tell them they can't come."
She laughed nervously, "about that-"
"They are already here," Nan said and got up to open the door.


15 minutes into Madison's party there was already people making out, drunk, shouting, play fighting, and dancing, all why a rainbow disco light shone and rave music pounded in the background.

Cordelia had disappeared downstairs to find a potion to get these people to leave. Queenie and Nan were dancing happily together in the background with Zoe by them dancing with a guy. Madison stood getting a tongue bath from some college senior, and misty stood uncomfortably in the corner. I walked over to her, "hey are you okay?" She shook her head, "I was killed by a bunch of witch hunters once, we need to find a way to stop them." She said and I stood shocked, "killed?" I asked and she nodded, "I have the power of resurrection, remember?" She said and it came back to me, and I nodded. I could tell she wasn't enjoying her self, "hey misty?" I said and she looked at me, "I think Cordelia will want some help downstairs." Her face lightened up when I mentioned Cordelia, she nodded her head ferociously, "okay I will, thanks Grace." She stood up and ran to the stairs to go see Cordelia.

I stood with a can in my hand, the hunters were still on my mind but, I guess if Cordelia was almost okay with the party, I could be less worried. Just then a pair of hands went on my waist I turned around to find a drunk guy on my hips trying to hump me, "hey get off me you asshole!" I shouted and shoved him off, when he tried to come back a flash of dirty blonde hair flew passed me and knocked out the guy. He turned around and I saw it to be Kyle. "You okay?" He asked and I nodded, he grabbed my hand and took me up stairs, into his room. 2 girls were there making out and were half naked, and about to have sex but I stopped them, "hey, you know if your gonna have sex go have it in the room where no one sleeps or better yet, go downstairs and put on a show for the assholes." I said and they got dressed and left giving me a death glare and then flirting with Kyle.

I looked at Kyle, "what?" I rolled my eyes and turned to sit on the bed, "you know you shouldn't let girls do porn on your laptop let alone in your bed." I said and he chuckled, "why it makes me feel great when I do." I pulled a face and he giggled.

"Kyle," he looked up, "yeah?" "what are we going to do about the witch hunters?" he shrugged, "I don't-" just then we heard a bang and went to check it out. We saw 2 people go into mine and misty's room and we followed. I opened the almost closed door to find one of the girls, who had been planning to have sex in Kyle's room, kicking and fighting against a man. He was tall and broad, he had a cowboy hat on and wore old clothes, that smelt of gun powder and leather. He had a giant dirty hand over her mouth and he turned her around as he slit her throat, when he looked up he smiled evilly and dropped the girl.

I felt anger hit me and something inside of me twisted, I felt a tingle in my palms and soon a burning sensation. I lifted them up and closed my eyes, when I opened them I saw fire burst from my palms and head straight for the hunter. He went up in flames and began to scream, after a moment I closed my hands and the fire stopped. The hunter lay almost charcoaled on the floor, and wheezed heavily, I walked over to him and knelt down.

"Killers." He whispered before I snapped his burnt neck, somehow I didn't feel the heat. When I stood up Kyle stood their watching me, his face unreadable. "We have to warn Delia." I said and he nodded, and we both headed to the greenhouse.

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