The hunt

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I find Nan and Quennie and we run back to my room, when we are stopped in the hallway by a hunter. "Going somewhere?" He asked and evilly smiles before clicking his shotgun and shooting it. Quennie stands in front of me and the shot hits her, I scream but there is no need, Queenie is fine and the hunter is on the floor, "but..?" "Being a voodoo doll has its perks, now let's go." She says and I nod before running past her and taking them to my room. I open the door and see Kyle pacing the room. He stops when he sees me and hugs me, I relax at his touch and feel suddenly warm and careless. "Will you just fuck already, or are you going to tell us the plan?" I hear Madison say and let go the same time as Kyle does,
"okay, so as you probably guessed, people trying to kill us."
"Yeah no shit," Madison says and I glare at her.
"They are witch hunters, and they want to kill us and by what I have seen they will kill anyone else in there way."
"How do we stop them?" Queenie asks.
"Simple, Cordelia is making a potion downstairs which will link all the hunters together." Nan says, and smiles at me.
"All we have to do is hold them off long enough." I finish,
"But how? we don't know are own powers that much." Zoe asks and I smile. "Sounds cheesy, but just trust in yourself and it should come out," I say
"But if not use these." Kyle says and opens a bag; its full of kitchen knives, a hand gun, a shotgun and a sword.
"Where did yo-"
"Does that really matter?" He asks and I shrug, I grab the shotgun, Kyle grabs the sword, Zoe has the hand gun. Quennie, Nan and Madison grab a kitchen knife each. I look at Kyle, "trade?" I ask and he smiles. I knew Kyle liked shotguns and I was more medieval anyways. I had taken fencing so I should be okay. "Ready?" I ask everyone and they nod. We walk out slowly and spread out ready for anything, we hear screams downstairs and stop. I look behind me and nod Kyle and Zoe to go ahead, they nod back and creep forward.

They check both ways and signal it's clear. I nod and move ahead, I point to Queenie, Nan and Madison to go one way while I, Zoe and Kyle go another, down the stairs. I see the odd person run from room to room, but I can mostly see them hiding under tables and shaking like shacks in a hurricane. I crouch slightly and walk slowly down the stairs and a hunter appears out of no where, he runs at me and I run back. I hold out my sword and stab him through the stomach. Another appears to my left and another to my right, Zoe takes a clear head shot and the left goes down, I pull out the sword and as Kyle blows the other hunter to 10 ft away.

Hunters continue to jump up and we continue to kill them until Cordelia shows up, "are there any left?" She asks surprised, "I think." Zoe says out of breathe. Cordelia nods "get me a live one, then I can link them." We find another hunter and hurt him enough to put him on the floor. Cordelia bends down and pours the liquid inside his mouth.

"Insendium" she says and the hunter lights on fire, I hear screams of pain and a few cries of panic when hunters run through the hall burning alive. The noise begins to fade and Quennie, Nan and Madison show up with bloody hands and knives. "Well that was a bust, but if you excuse me." Madison said and pulled off her dress till she was stalk naked. "I need a shower." She said and walks up stairs showing all her glory, and her thin heels.

"Cordelia, what are we going to do with the mess? And the guests..." She held up her hand. "I will take care of them both, you all go and rest, you deserve it." She said and smiled kindly. We begin Walking up stairs "Grace." She calls and I come back down to see her. "A strong coven is based on its leader, and I am glad you were there. I should have been more prepared, so... Thank you."
"Sure, cuz." I said and smirked, she looked at me sternly but I pecked her cheek and cheerfully went up to my room.

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