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Kyle pulled up outside a fancy looking restaurant, "Kyle, I can't go in there." I said and he looked at me, "why?" "I am underdressed." He laughed, "come on." We got out and Kyle held the door open for me, I walked in and Kyle walked to reception. I followed him and heard him say, "reservations for Benson?" "Yes sir, right this way." We followed a tall lean man to a closed off booth, it was hardly light and very cozy, we sat and I squeezed next to Kyle. "benson?" He giggled, "Zoe made the plans, she wanted us to spend time together." I blushed, "why?" "I guess she felt we hadn't had much time together, lately." I smiled to myself, Zoe was so nice.

We grabbed a menu brought to us and looked at the food, "wow so much fancy stuff!" I said and Kyle chuckled, "what's Coquilles Saint-Jacques?" I asked and Kyle looked puzzled, "I'm not sure, we should ask the waiter." After a few minutes the waiter came over, he was around our age a little older, he seemed handsome but not drop dead hot. He turned to me and smiled, "may I ask your order, sweetheart?" I rolled my eyes, "yeah, but can I ask what is Coquilles Saint-Jacques?" He chuckled, "the best scallops there are." I shook my head, "okay then can I have the three layered cheese melt burger, with extra fries and a glass of coke, thanks." I smiled at the dumbfound waiter, he quickly scribbled it down and turn to Kyle afraid of his order, "just a steak for me, with a coke and extra onion rings, thanks." the waiter nodded and walked away quickly. Kyle turned to me, "a three layered cheese melt?" He said smug, I blushed, "I haven't eaten all day." I said and he chuckled.

15 minutes later a waiter arrived with our food. "I presume this is yours sir," the waiter asked and smiled, handing Kyle my burger, "actually it's mine." I said and saw his face change, he looked as lost as the other waiter. He gave us our drinks and Kyle's extra onion rings and left. We dug into our food, and began to talk about the academy and how how good the food was. After paying we left and began to walk down the streets. "Still hungry?" Kyle asked and laugh, I giggled, "I want popcorn." I said and he smiled, "your in luck then." He said and we headed to the cinema, we caught the 7 o'clock film, it was called get hard with Will Ferral, and Kevin Hart in it. Throughout the film, laughter filled the cinema room. After it ended Kyle took me to a small park, it had a little river with an old wooden bridge going across it, we went on it and looked down to the river.

"It's so peaceful here." I said and Kyle looked up to the stars, "yeah." He said. I shivered a little after a few moments and Kyle looked at me, "cold?" He asked and I shook my head, "no, I'm fine." I said and smiled, he sighed and took off his jacket. It was a warm feel around my shoulders and smelt of Kyle, I took in the scent and smiled at him, "thanks." I said and he smiled back. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and rubbed my arms. I reached down and held his hand, he looked down and then back up into my eyes. His profound, brown eyes staring into my emerald green ones, I leaned forward and cupped his face with my hand. I brushed my lips against Kyle's and smiled, "you sure?" He asked and I nodded, he kissed me our lips crashing together, his warm wet lips massaging mine. He lifted me up and put me on the rail and we made out.

After half an hour of kissing and sitting on the bridge we decided to head back to the academy. We walked through the front door and Zoe greeted us, "how was it?" I smiled and hugged her, "thanks Zoe." I pulled back and she winked, "no probs." she smiled at us and then headed up stairs, I was about to follow her but was stopped by a hand. Kyle held my hand and pulled me close to him, and lightly kissed my soft lips. I moaned for more when he pulled away, I saw him smirking and pulled a face, "tease." I said and giggled.

We both walked up stairs and stopped out side my room, "see you tomorrow." I said and pecked Kyle's lips, he smiled "bye." He whispered and I closed the door. I turned around to find the room empty, as usual. I ran to my bed and squealed in the pillow. I was so happy I felt as if I would burst. I smiled to my self before changing into a crop top and baggy sweat pants and hopping into bed. I lay down and closed my eyes, and sleep quickly swept me away, till morning.

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