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This is just a little taste of the next sequel, hope you guys like it!

"You ready?"
"Yes mom, I have packed everything and I am ready."
"Okay I love you, so much."
"Okay me too." I kissed my mom's cheek and closed the boot of the car, my mom was smiling her normal smile. He black hair gleaming and her green eyes shining. My mom was so beautiful and my dad was quite handsome. I was actually really sad to be leaving them but, I had to go. "Bye dad!" I shouted and he ran outside, "wait!" He ran to me and gave me a hug and a kiss." "I love you willow." He said and I saw tears in his eyes. "Kyle, don't be a girl." My mom sad and I laughed/choked on my tears. He smiled and held my moms's hand and gave her a kiss and she blushed.

I rolled my eyes and hopped in, I rolled down the window and waved as the car drove, "bye mom! Bye dad!" "Bye honey!" "Be safe!" They shouted and I kept waving till they disappeared in the distance. I sat back and pulled out my phone, 12:43pm I sighed and plugged my headphones in before putting them on, and put on a song. It was called 'flickers' by Son Lux (Zed's Dead Remix). And began to sing as I was taken to the academy.

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