New home

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I stood at the counter where an attendant stood gossiping to her fellow co-worker.
"Have you seen her? Little young to be travelling alone don't you think?"
"I think she is meeting someone, if you know what I mean."
I rolled my eyes at their comments. Why did people always do that? Did they have some kind of ability to know I was different or did I just have weirdo tattooed to my forehead? I had always been different from the moment I was able to walk which was at the age of 6 months may I add, weird? You have no idea. I had what you called powers, apparently they ran in the family my aunt Fiona had been a witch, and so had my mother, aunt Fiona's sister. Fiona had a child Cordelia, who was now what they called the new reigning supreme. I looked it up in some old fashioned witch books to find supremes where the most powerful witch in the coven and always the leader, Fiona had been but had passed a few months back, that's how my cousin Cordelia had found out about me. After attending the funeral I was introduced to her, and due to Cordelia's second sight she found out I was a witch and invited me to enrol in her academy for young women. I had objected at first but somehow I managed to be waiting to the airport for my car to take me to my new home.

The women continued to gossip about me, they were starting to get on my last nerve. I turned around and seen they were about 10 ft away, they straighten up and began to pretend they were doing something. "Hey bitch!" They looked at me, "why don't you worry about your own looks and lives before caring about mine." I shouted and they seemed gob smacked. At that moment 2 men came and picked up my suitcases, "finally." I said and turned, I smiled and flicked my hair at the ugly attendants who stood dumbfound.

I followed the two men to a black car and they opened the trunk and loaded my bags in there I went to go to the back seat but was stopped. "I am sorry but you are unauthorised to enter this car." "Excuse me?" I asked insulted "they are my bags!" I screeched but they just got in the car and drove.

I stood unknowing what to do, I whistled for a taxi, one pulled over and I jumped in, "follow that black car."

Half an hour past and the black car pulled down a small country lane, I looked at the clock and saw the money for the drive, "two hundred and ten dollars!" I said and looked at the taxi driver, "sir I don't think I have enough..." The tires screeched painfully loud as the taxi driver breaks, "get out." He said "but..." "Out!" He snapped and I grabbed my black lace clutch, with its silver chain. I stood there as the taxi speed off for its next deal, "asshole!" I shouted and flipped him off, I looked down the road it's length endless and painful, especially in these shoes. "Great." I said and began to walk.

15 minutes later and I was still walking, "fuck this," I said and pulled out my phone and quickly unlocked it to viciously type in the number.
One ring
Two rings
Three rings
"Come on, pick up... Kyle? Yeah where the hell are you? I am stuck somewhere, it- I describe the lane to Kyle and the grassy turning which I took and came to worn down stepping stones.- stepping stone avenue? Wow how original... It's not my fault, they left me! Kyle I need you to come get me... Because... Good thank you. Hey are my suitcases there? They are? Thank god! I would have killed them, they cost over a $1000 with the clothes in them, each, plus I would have been naked for the rest of my time here... Your disgusting- I giggled as Kyle made a dirty joke- okay see you in half an hour." I said and hung up and put my iPhone in my bag.

Half an hour later, the black car I had been chasing showed up and a tall man got out, he had tight, short, blonde curls and nicely tanned skin, he worn a black suit, a white shirt, a black tie and a pair of black sunglasses. "Believe me now?" I asked and he opened the door for me, I climbed in and sat comfortable on the black leather seat and we drove to my new home.

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