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Grace's POV

The same words, the same time, the same out come, the same dream. I kept dreaming of kit and what he had done. It had been 3 months gone by and I still felt ill. On the outside I was okay, still my perky self and almost all back to normal on the inside apart from the guilt of knowing kit's death was by Queenie and Kyle, and the fact I kept dreaming over kit raping me.

I dragged my body to the shower, I had been getting 2 almost everyday, since kit. I hadn't exactly got back together with Kyle yet, after everything I couldn't handle him touching me, not for a while anyways. I got out the shower and dried myself, I brushed my hair and put on a black and red checked flannel, a pair of black jeans with rips on the knees, a pair of black Ugg boots and a plain black vest, I also put on my black beanie and the dagger necklace.

I jogged downstairs and smiled at everyone in the kitchen who smiled back. I sat down next to queenie and began to talk to her. After a minute or two Kyle put down a plate of food and I ignored it for a minute, before picking up the fork and playing with it.

Half an hour past and I took the last mouthful of my food. It would usually have tasted nice but I had gone off food a lot, it seemed like every mouthful tasted dry and bitter. I put my plate in the sink and stood thinking.

Most people didn't get over the fact of rape, but some people did. I didn't want to remain dead inside because of it, I wanted my life back and the only way was to ask someone about it, the one person I knew who had got over it in a matter of days, a person I really hated and that was... Madison. I sighed and shivered before unwillingly dragging my self to Madison's room. I knocked on the door and Zoe answered, a big grin appeared and she cheerfully said, "grace! What are you doing here, do want to go out!" I smiled lifelessly back and sighed, "actually I came to talk to Madison." She pulled a confused face and then smiled, "sure, Madison!" She let me in and we stood waiting for Madison, "what do you want I am busy with... Oh grace how unpleasant to see you." She said and I smiled, "unpleasant is a big word for you isn't it Madison?" I snapped and felt Zoe put her hand on my shoulder, she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I will leave you too alone, but please... Try not to break anything." She said and left.

"So what do you want? If it's about Kyle ."
"It's not about Kyle. I want... I want your..." I sighed "I want your help." I looked at Madison who looked smug and grinned, "depends on what it is."
"How did you get over being raped?"
I said quickly and a look of sympathy appeared on Madison's face before it turned back to her usual bitch face. She sat down and crossed her legs, "most people never get over that sort of thing, because they feel. Me, I don't. That's how I got over it." She said and lit a cigarette. I sighed and shook my head, "thanks." I said miserably and went to leave, "but you feel, so all I can say is that if you wanna forget take the pain, and find a way to loose it." I stopped while she talked and left the room as she finished.

I went to my room, how was I suppose to loose my pain? I thought how most people went to gyms and worked out, maybe that would help. I grabbed a bag and put my athletic clothes inside before grabbing a cab to the nearest gym.


I got out of the changing room and put my bag in a locker, I went to the work out room and went to the treadmill. 5 minutes of straight running felt good, but not great, I went to the row machine, then the biking machine, until I finally came to the punching bag, a guy stood throwing kicks and punches at it before stopping and grabbing a drink, he saw me and smiled, before walking over. "Want some help?"
"Just gloves." I said and he smiled, he went over to a cupboard and bought out a pair of gloves, I put them on and held my hands up. "Aim here, usually helps." He pointed to a spot and I hit it;
I panted for breath and the guy stood there in amazement, "nice arm... What's your name?"
"Grace." I looked up at him and he smiled before holding out his hand
"Max cooper."

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