Cordelia and the rules

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The black car stopped outside a giant White House, I climbed out and looked up at the house "miss Cordelia is waiting inside." I heard the man say and turned around but he wasn't there, neither was the car, I frowned, where did he go? I sighed and rang the bell, the gate opened and I walked up to the front door, before I knocked it opened, I walked inside and it shut behind me, "hello?" I said but it echoed off the walls back to me, "hello." I heard someone say and saw Cordelia standing on top on the stairs. Her blonde smooth hair perfect, her skin flawless, her eyes big and brown, and her long radiant dress flowed around her, she was exactly how I remembered her, beautiful.

"Cordelia." I said and she walked down the stairs, "please just Delia, you must be-" "grace." I said and she smiled, "you look so much like your mother," "as do you, though you may not take that as a compliment." I said but she smiled, "my mother was a bad women not an ugly one, so no I do not. Follow me?" She said and turned to walk down the hall, she held her hands in front of her with her fingers entwined.

"So this place... Is it like a learning facility?" I asked,
"a school, in which we teach young ladies to control their powers and develop them."
"Or a prison in which we have no freedom."
I heard a girl say, I turned to see a average height girl, with blonde hair and slutty clothes, she was smoking whilst she stood like a drugged up hooker. "Grace this is Madison, Madison-"
"Montgomery, I know"
"you know me?"
"Yeah watched all your films," I said and she rolled her eyes, "wow, talk about a stalker." She said but I smiled, "no I just liked the films, shame they hired a slut for the rolls that's all." I said and wiped Madison's smirk off her make-up covered face. "Girls, grace this way." Cordelia said and continued to walk, I followed and flashed a victory smirk at Madison, who sighed and turned off into what looked like a drawing room.

"Grace don't start something I have to finish, we are sisters by the sister hood of the coven, I can't deal with petit fights," "sorry cuz." "No one knows I am your cousin, so please keep it toned down, I don't want the girls to think your my favourite," "am I?" I asked and Delia smirked, I giggled.

Cordelia showed me the downstairs bathroom, kitchen, drawing room, library and the bedrooms including mine. "This is mine, opposite is a spare, it was my mothers but no one goes in there, then we have Queenie's and Nan's, opposite is Madison's and Zoe's then we have Kyle's bedroom and opposite is yours, you are sharing with misty, but she mostly spends all day down in the swap so you will mostly have it to yourself." She said and I smiled, "your bags are on your bed, decorate your side of the room how you want it, our maid shall take care our your things I.E. Clothes, and Kyle is our butler and also cooks," "Kyle cooks?" I said and laughed, but Delia stayed in her position of straight face. "Sorry, but he never was a good cook when I had last seen him, mind you that was when I was 12." Delia smiled a little and said, "yes well he is good now, okay so I will see you in a bit down stairs in the drawing room," "okay." I said and Cordelia left, I sat on my bed and pulled out my phone it read 4:56pm, I sat on my bed and fiddled with my hair, thinking of how I ended up here.

I got up a couple of minutes later and went to the bathroom, I grabbed a quick shower and got changed; I wore a pair of high-waisted, white, denim shorts, with a loose black crop top, with a white skull on it, a white denim over shirt, and a pair of black DocMartins.
I finished tying my laces and went down stairs. I walked to the drawing room and saw Cordelia with some other girls, I sat down on the couch next to a tall thin girl, her hair was blonde and long, she had beautiful big brown eyes and flawless skin, she smiled at me revealing bright white teeth, I smiled back. "Hi, your the new witch right?" I nodded "I am grace," I said "nice to meet you, I am Zoe by the way." I smiled at her "nice to meet you Zoe." I said and turned to face Cordelia, who stood patiently waiting to talk.

"As you know we have a new witch joining us, her name is grace, grace is from California and is how old?" "17" I said and Cordelia smiled, "now then, house rules, you can go out of the house but you come back at 11:00pm sharp, no staying out late, no using your powers irresponsible outside the academy and no killing anyone, especially another witch, unless it is a matter of survival but that is hardly the case. Every morning we have a meeting, sometimes in the afternoon, sometimes I give you private lessons on healing, potions, or development on your powers, or I will have a group lesson, which will mostly focus around your powers and how to control them, as well as a few of the seven wonders." "The seven what?" "the seven wonders, they are the test in which takes place when the reigning supreme decides on the new rising supreme." A girl said, she was quite short with longish brown hair, blue eyes and a pretty smile. "I am Nan by the way." She said "that's Queenie," "sup." a girl said, she was black and big, with short black curly hair and brown eyes, I smiled and nodded slightly. "And I am Kyle," I heard a deep voice say, I turned to find a boy standing there, he had pale skin that was flawless, piercing brown eyes, long dirty blonde hair, and from what I could see, a lot of muscle, maybe a 6-8 pack. I stood up and he walked to me "nice to meet you," he said and I shook his hand, but I was puzzled, why was he acting as if he didn't know me? "Grace." I said uncertain but he smiled and winked and mouthed 'later.' I blushed at his wink and then sat back down as he left the room.

We sat in silence for a few moments before Madison broke it, "well this is cheerful, I am going out Zoe come on." She said and walked to the front over swaying her hips and wearing an attitude, "grace you wanna come with?" Zoe asked "sure" I said and waved to Nan, Cordelia and Queenie. I followed Zoe out the house and onto the street, where we walked down to somewhere Madison was heading, in the afternoon breeze.

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