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I woke to the all to familiar sound of beeping and saw I was back in hospital. I sighed heavily and everyone lifted their heads; max, Zoe, misty and Kyle were there, I smiled and Kyle came over to me, "thank god!" He leaned in and kissed my head, I smiled happily. "What happened?" I asked and max sighed, "the bruise on your ribs, it was more Serious then you thought, I had actually bruised and cracked one of you ribs. When billy had kicked the rib had broken and cut into you liver."
"But thankfully the doctors said it will heal and you will be okay." Zoe said happily.
"How long was I out for?" I asked
"4 days, we were getting worried." Misty said and I smiled, "worried, about me? Don't worry I can survive." They all giggled and I giggled to but my side hurt, "they said you will be tender for a while." Kyle said and I sleepily smiled. "Come give her some time to rest." Zoe said and they all went to leave, "Kyle?" I said and he stopped while the rest left, "can you stay?" He smiled and came to the bed. He lay in the bed with me and snuggled up to my side. "I know this sounds cheesy, but I was so scared I was going to loose you." He said, "and realised something I think I knew for a while." "Yeah?" I said sleepily, "I love you grace." He said and I smiled, a feeling of both nervousness and relief came to my mind, I felt like crying, yet they were tears of joy, nothing could feel like this, and no words could describe it except, "I love you too Kyle." I said and felt his hold tighten, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


2 weeks after my release of the hospital, me and Kyle were coming back from a date, we had been going out again, and we're back together again, but this time Madison was no threat, she had been sentence to a year in the witch prison, for crimes against the witch law.

"Thanks again." I said and Kyle smiled, "anything for you" he kissed my lips softly and held me closer. We went to the house and came in, the house smelt of pizza, Zoe walked out, "there you two are! Come on we got take out." We all headed to the kitchen and grabbed some plates, "you guys wanna come to watch the movie?" "Yeah sure." We said and grabbed our pieces of pizza, and some drinks with some popcorn before we headed to the drawing room where misty and Cordelia was helping set up the screen and projector. "I never knew you had one of these!" Queenie said and Cordelia giggled. We made and quilt and pillow fort and started to watch the films.

After 1 horror movie, 3 Harry Potter films and 5 bowls of popcorn, everyone besides me and Kyle were asleep. I yawned, "I think I might go to sleep." I said to Kyle, and he kissed my neck, "me too." He said and we snuggled together and fell asleep to the sound of the words, "alarte ascendare."

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