Madison pt 2

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Grace's POV

I woke to the sound of beeping, and the smell of antiseptic. My eyes fluttered open to find I was in a hospital bed. I was hooked up to a machine that recorded my heart rate. I moaned and I heard movement, I looked around and saw everyone, even Madison looking at me worried, I hadn't even noticed them before. "Grace!" Almost everyone chimed. Zoe and Kyle gave me hugs, then Cordelia and nan and then Queenie, even Madison gave me a tap on the shoulder. I giggled at her attempt of showing that she cared. "What happened?" I asked and Cordelia explained everything, and I remember that the side affects of vitalum vitalis was fainting.

I sat up and began to talk to everyone, after a few moments the doctor came in. She was tall and lean, and looked very tired. She smiled at us, "okay Grace your blood pressure seems good, no signs of a hemerage, eating okay?" I nodded, "enough fluids?" I nodded again and she smiled, "good, well you seem perfectly fine, maybe a little heat stroke." "Can she come home then?" Zoe and misty asked and the doctor chuckled, "we will run a few more tests then she is free to go." Everyone smiled at me. Wow they really did care.

Half an past and everyone besides Kyle, and Madison were in the hospital, nan and Queenie had gone to get coffee and Zoe was talking to me whilst Cordelia sat and read.  "Oh shoot!" Zoe said, "what?"
"I left my phone at the academy, I have the cutest photo of you on it, I found it this morning you have to see it! Be right back!"
"See you." I said and Zoe waves as she left. Cordelia put down her book and sat next to me. "We have to talk, about Kyle." I sighed, "before you think I am going to separate you I am not." She said and both relief and confusion hit me, she smiled. "I seen how happy he made you and I think you need that." She said and I understood why. After my mum had decided I would go here she had been in an accident, she and my dad had died instantly. I was late to the academy because of their funeral and didn't want to go, but as my mum had wanted me to go here I went, as my last thing to remember her by. I sighed and felt Cordelia's warm hand hold mine.

I smiled "am I still your favourite student?" I said and smirked Cordelia laughed, "I never said you were." She said and smirked too, we laughed and started to talk about random things as Nan and Queenie came in.

Zoe's POV

I unlocked the door and closed it, I quickly jogged up stairs to my room and heard groaning, and loud banging. I opened my bedroom door to find Madison pinned up against the wardrobe, while Kyle fucked her. Tears filled my eyes, poor grace! I screamed and Kyle stopped to look at me, "Zoe no it's not what you think!" "You asshole! You don't deserve grace!" I shouted and slammed the door, I found my phone in the kitchen and grabbed it as well as Kyle's keys. I hopped in his car and reversed quickly and drove to the hospital, fast.

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