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Very short I know sorry. But will be lengthy next time just been busy lately and taking time for myself. Enjoy, Vote, and comment


"Amoura stop playing..." Nay said in disbelief

"Like why get in contact with my after three years... that shit still crazy to me." Amoura spoked as they walked down the hall

"That is crazy."

"I don't even wanna talk my grandma or papa."

"Why not?"

"I don't know honestly. Just don't know how they'd take it and I really just wanna put it behind me. I blocked her number. I'm tryna move on with my life. She made the decision to give up on me."

Nay nodded in agreement "Same way she found your number and got in contact with you she could've did when you had your phone but no she wanted to cut it off."

"Exactly. She didn't give a fuck to begin with I never believed shit she said cause all she ever did was lie my whole damn life. She just didn't give a fuck to find me and quite frankly I believe she wanted me gone once seeing I was pregnant."

"Sheesh." Nay mumbled

"I have to work today and I'm not looking forward to it." Amoura frowned

"Girl same. I'm thinking about calling out cause I have to work on my physics assignment since I waited so late to do it. Like the dumbass I am..."

Amoura laughed "Glad I ain't got that."

While they walked down the hall talking Keonte came out a classroom. How ironic.

Amoura smiled "Hey Keonte."

He smiled back giving her a side hug "Wassup Amoura. Hey Naylee."

Nay said hello back and watched as him and Amoura eyed each other. Something told her they had something going on she could sense it.

"I have no practice today so imma be able to take you to work, aight?"

Amoura nodded "Okay. See you Keonte."

"See you."

They went their separate ways and waited till they were down the stairs to talk.

"You and Keonte friends right?" Nay asked

Amoura shrugged putting lipgloss on "Yeah that's my friend."

"Why y'all was looking at each other like that?" She chuckled

"Like what?"

"Like y'all both knew something."

Amoura played dumb "I don't know what you mean. I just said hey to him and he said hey back."

"He taking you to work. I see y'all converse in school but it wasn't like this time."

"Bitch you is looking too deep." Amoura laughed "it ain't none like that."

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