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Y'all slacked with them comments last chapter but I'll be nice and give another update because why not and I'm tryna finish this book off


February (1 month later)

Amoura covered her face with the cover again and took it off fast making Ace laugh. She did it again and he laughed more.

"Okay enough I've done that about sixty times." She tickled him making him laugh

"Noo keep going" he whined

"Watch tv. I gotta pee." Amoura got up and went to the bathroom

  After peeing she washed her hands and started the shower. Checking her phone she went to her period tracker app and seen she was three weeks late on her period. Even though that usually happened she knew something was off with the way her body had been acting these past couple weeks.

  Amoura took her shower and got dressed. She got Ace ready also. She put some juice inside his Spider-Man sippy cup, before handing it to him. Once she put it back up they left out. The drive to target was a little long but not an hour away.

Ace talked her head off as they walked through the store. Amoura went to the aisle she seen the pregnancy tests were and grabbed two before putting it in the cart.

"Ace stop touching stuff because if it all falls I'm leaving you right there."

Amoura got a few additional things and went to check all of it out. Once she was done she drove to Wendy's for Ace and chickfila for herself.

She wasn't worried with having the tests because she was for sure she wasn't pregnant. Her period gave her many scares like this and she just knew with the plan bs she was taking she was good.

Getting back to the house, Amoura went straight to the bathroom as Ace watched tv in her room. She sighed as she took both pregnancy tests out the boxes. Mind as well just see. She took a long sip of her lemonade just to make it more easier for her to have to pee. After waiting a couple minutes she peed on both sticks. When she was done she put them both on a rag on the counter and wiped herself.

"Mommyyyyy" she heard Ace whining

"Yes Ace?"

"I want some crackers"

"I'll get you some when I'm done."

Amoura washed her hands and went to get Ace some crackers while she waited for the tests. She gave them to him and went back in the bathroom where she picked up one of the test. Her heart felt like it went in her stomach when she seen it had a plus sign. She quickly looked at the other and picked it up. Plus sign again.

"What the fuck..." she said under her breath

She didn't know what to think or even do. She just stared at the test. Completely in shock because she really thought she'd just see she wasn't pregnant and know to actually start being careful.

"Bro what the fuck." She grabbed her phone and called Emani

Her voicemail picked up "Sorry I couldn't take your call, I will give you a call back when I can. Bye."

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