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Excuse any mistakes I didn't feel like going back and checking since this chapter is pretty lengthy. Vote, comment and enjoy


Amoura stood up mid workout and wiped her forehead. She was tired but didn't care enough. She just wanted to get her body back to before having Clover. Since they would be going to Dre's moms house later, she left Clover with him. She wanted to get a workout in before going. She usually worked out at home because it saved money but since she started back doing peoples nails she decided to start paying to go to the gym.

  Her earphones was in as she did what she did, to block out any unnecessary sounds from other people to throw her off. After a few minutes she sat down and grabbed her water bottle. She felt like she was getting where she wanted. She knew she would snap back just because she'd always been thin but wanted to speed the process up faster. Plus she knew how much she loved to eat and didn't want to add to her baby weight.

Taking the scrunchie off her wrist, she pulled her hair into a low bun. She had just got a ginger orange lace installed. She had let her hair breathe as long as she could but she needed a protective style badly. As she was doing that she seen a dude coming over to where she was. She was taking in house his body looked. He was fit and fine. She couldn't ignore the elephant in the room.

"I seen you going in." He said making Amoura laugh

She didn't know what to say. She always felt like she was awkward all the time with people she didn't. Of course, it was a different case with Dre. She did sleep with him the day she met him.

"I'm actually a personal trainer so if you ever looking for somebody to help you get your body goal I'm the guy for it." He swiftly pulled a card from his wallet and handed it to her

Amoura took it and saw it was a picture of him on the side and five ways to contact him and his website.

Amoura looked back up at him and laughed "So what you tryna say? I'm fat?"

"Far from it." He laughed "But that don't mean you can't still get into a better shape."

"Mhm." Amoura eyed him "How much?"

"Seventy an hou-"

"Tuh no thanks but thank you."

"You ain't let me finish." He laughed "I could make an exception."

"Let me take you out and it can be free."

Amoura squinted her eyes. Something wasn't adding up. It was just looking too perfect.

"I have a boyfriend. And I'm literally in here because I just had a baby and I just wanted to snap back quicker?"

"Oh shit." He said laughing, Amoura also "I ain't expect that not gone lie. Forget the date thing. How about I just lower it to 10 for the first few weeks just so you can get a feel of it to maybe see if you're interested in going full out with it?"

"I mean I can but I can guarantee I'm not going to be as satisfied to consider paying seventy an hour. I have two kids to take care of."

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