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   9 hours of labor, excruciating pain, crying, several thoughts, happiness all in one, and Amoura was holding her baby in her arms. Weeks of depressing thoughts, aggravation, and being tired of everything and she was finally happy. Giving birth to a human that grew inside her and will give her unconditional love brought her so much joy. The baby resembled her but she had Dre's eyes and lips. Amoura decided to name her Clover. Although Dre felt it was "too girly".

Dre held her in his arms as her big almond shaped eyes stared up at him. Her big brown eyes piercing his. He had an immediate soft spot seeing this little human he created. Amoura was physically drained and just watched them as she let her body rest. She was in labor twenty hours and was pushing for almost fifteen to twenty minutes.

"She's so adorable I just can't get over it." His mom said also looking at her "I can't wait for the rest of the family to see her."

They would be in the hospital only till tomorrow but Amoura was ready to go home. She wanted to be in her own bed and she hated hospitals in general.

"Dre I gotta get outta here and go get your brother but I will be back here tomorrow early or later tonight depending how my plans go."

"Ard ma. Imma call you tonight."

"Okay. See you, Amoura. Hope you feel better."

Amoura forced a small smile "Thank you."

She went over to Clover for a little before leaving out. Leaving it to just be Amoura and Dre.

"You good?" Dre asked looking at her Amoura

She nodded "Yeah. Still in some pain but I'm fine. Can I hold her?"

He got up and went over to Amoura then placing her in her arms.

   Her grandma and papa were both here previously but left to go get Ace from a family members house. Amoura couldn't wait to be alone with just Dre and Ace, not only was she in pain but with everyone being around all jolly and happy just overwhelmed her. His family had stayed a little longer and ended up eventually leaving. Emani and Jaliyah both were also coming but had things to do at the moment.

"You sure you straight?" Dre asked Amoura as he went to sit back down "I can tell all today your vibe was just off."

"I mean... I just feel like me and your mom don't have the best relationship considering I will be around now. Clover is her grandchild.. I'm your girlfriend. But I long for a relationship with your mom how most girls have with their boyfriends mothers."

"Y'all get along just fine from what I see so what you mean?"

"We're cordial. That's it. I don't want to just have a relationship with her through Clover. It almost feels like I'm being cordial with a stranger and yeah its like that in the beginning but I don't want it to be like that forever. I don't want to sound crazy you should get what I'm saying Dre. Our relationship feels forced.. you know?"

"I don't." He could see her face change to frustrated "Cause y'all seem fine. You wanna be getting drunk with her or something? Ion know what you getting at."

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