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- Y'all this is soooooo freaking short omg and I feel like nobody is interested anymore. I have major writers block and don't know where I'm going with this story so soon I'll have to just end it off with a either very bad or good ending. But I feel like a bad ending is best because not all stories have happy endings and plus I don't want the typical happy ending. I'll figure something out lol. But if I do decide to end it off with a bad ending I will not be doing a sequel because I never do well with those. Unless it probably about their children or something with a whoooole different plot that's interesting. But anyways I'm sorry for the very long wait and just wanted to update you guys since I have put it off for so long.


"Dre what even is that?" Looking at his painting Amoura couldn't help but laugh "Like seriously?"

She could tell by how serious he was, he wasn't finding it funny. Which made her laugh even more.

"I told you I couldn't paint." he said "My shit ain't gone look the best. Duh."

Amoura laid back in the grass, continuing to laugh "I can't even figure out what it's supposed to be."

"You drew a bullshit ass flower that's why it wasn't hard for you. I tried to draw a bird."

"Where's the arms?" Amoura said as she tried to hold her laugh in

Seeing how irritated he was was funny to her.

"I'm just messing with you." She said "Come here."

She gave him a kiss "Don't be mad at me. Pleeease." She cooed before kissing him some more

He returned the kisses and when she pulled away went back to his painting.

"We ain't doing this shit again." He said causing Amoura to laugh

"It was actually fun and the fact this was your idea."

"Man, this shit looked easier than it is." He laughed

"No I really think you should've just chose something easier to make. I wouldn't been able to do no bird either."

"Fuck it." He laughed "It is what it is."

"I'm starving."

"What you wanna eat?"

"I don't know. But I am kinda craving some wings."

"Bet. We gone get some wings then." He said staring at her

"Yay." Amoura laughed a little before it got quiet

They were taking in the weather and just enjoying each other's presence.

"I ain't ever see myself doing some shit like this." He said holding up the painting before they both laughed "My niggas would clown the shit outta me."

"Well that's one of the problems with the world today. There's nothing at all wrong with a man painting. That's toxic masculinity at its finest feeling like the most normal things insinuates you're either gay or soft. I had a whole lecture with Ace one day because I asked him about doing gymnastics you know, because boys do it too. And he said mommy that's for girls... I was mad Dre. I swear somebody had to have told him that cause I would never let him think that so I don't know why that even came out his mouth."

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