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  It had been a two weeks and Dre still hadn't texted Amoura back. He had went ghost on her since the last time she talked to him. Amoura was mad about it and she was thinking about just going to his house unannounced.

She finished doing Aces hair and they left. She had school today but she really wasn't in the mood to go. The morning sickness was still happening and most days she pulled through, but today she wasn't feeling like doing anything but laying in bed.

"I love you." She bent down and gave Ace a kiss

"I love you too" he said before going into his class

Amoura had left and found herself going to Dre's house. Although a little bit of her didn't want to do this a lot of her wanted to. She was tired of playing games with him. She thought there would be no problems since he handled it better than she thought when she told him. Yet, now it seemed he was trying to avoid her.

When she finished parking, she got out and knocked on his door. Making sure to text Jaliyah and Emani that she didn't feel well and wasn't coming to school today. He was taking extra long and Amoura was about to just leave. His car was out front so she knew he was here.

She gave a few more minutes and he finally answered the door. She could tell he'd been sleep the way he was looking and he was only in a pair of basketball shorts.

"So you're alive and well but been ignoring my texts for the longest?"

He rubbed his eye, clearly still tired "It's seven in the damn morning... why you at my door on bullshit?"

"I'm not. I'm just not about to play these little childish games with you."

He frowned "I'm confused on what the fuck you talking about..."

"It's been two weeks Dre... you've literally ignored me. What happened? I thought we was on good terms?"

He sighed and put his hand on his head "Aint you supposed to be at school or something?"

"Well duh but I been throwing up all fucking morning because of YOUR damn baby. So I'm not in the mood. Anymore unnecessary questions?"

"But you in the mood to be here tryna argue?"

Amoura frowned "You cannot be serious right now."

He didn't say anything and Amoura went in pushing past him.

"It's too early for this shit." He said closing the door behind him

"Okay? I don't care. You're so ignorant and don't care about anybody but yourself. You know the shit I been through with Ace and you try to give me a hard time when I'm pregnant again? If that don't scream ignorance I don't know what does."

"Man what you want me to do? I can't do shit. Just hit me up when you got an appointment."

Amoura shook her head "Like I didn't text you if you were doing anything on the seventh which is when my next appointment is..."

"I won't know until the seventh."

Amoura felt sick at the fact this was who she was pregnant by.

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